
Friday 24 March 2017


Good evening Bloggets. Here we are it’s really freezing outside and guess what? Our heating is not working. Again. It’s great when it works, but when the hub goes down, it doesn’t work.

Of course, tomorrow we will call them and they will ask us over the phone what lights are working? Are the lights red green? How the heck will we answer that

My, Hub has been off work today to keep me company whilst Boy Wonder is abroad. He did get in contact yesterday at four thirty. He was due to land at half ten and said he would let me know when he hit touch down… So, you can imagine what I was like by 4.30?

They are having a great time, I received a lovely text from Shamrock earlier and they have seen the beautiful sights and are really enjoying themselves.

An exciting day, we have had someone out to look at our old horrid kitchen and we are planning on a new one. That will be an interesting time when we have to plan it out on a computer screen with someone in store. They are a great company though and I learned today that when you have designed your kitchen, they will wheel the units and position them into how your kitchen will look, so for us that will be great. We are limited to do what we would like though because of our kitchen. It’s for a dolly. I have been in our dining room today and moved the furniture around. Gosh, what a time? Three big plants, two coffee tables, one large dining table and chairs, a hostess trolley and a sofa, oh, and a wine rack hahaha. Cleaned the windows too, there are loads in there.

Hub isn’t at all happy I have moved the furniture, he hates it, but I like to clean behind things and I get bored with the furniture being in the same place, which is odd seeing I can’t see right? In my head, I feel I still can and my imagination is great. Hub is lucky that there isn’t much we can do with our lounge, so that stays the same.

I have had horrid eye pain all day. Talking of eyes, I have my appointment in a couple of weeks with the eye hospital. I’m not sure how I will get there yet, it’s miles away. Remember last year I had a nightmare. They will insist in sending letters in print, we were on holiday when they sent an appointment out to me by the time we got our letter read, I had missed it by two days. The second time, my neighbour said she could take me but sadly last minute she had something else to do so I didn’t have time to rearrange and they were cross with me at the hospital. They said if I missed another, they would put me way back on the waiting list and I would have to be remitted by my GP. Well I have that appointment, but sadly it’s not with the top guy who saw me the last and first time I have been to this hospital. That is sad as the others don’t have a clue, they are like glorified secretaries.

I have as always loads of questions. Mainly, how can I get put on some kind of program? For trials. And, in their opinion, how long before they think there will be any kind of help for us? Now if they answer that, I will be surprised, but will ask.

Next week is a busy one for me, Monday I have an appointment at three with a door man…. Tuesday another appointment with someone who wants me to do some work for them. Wednesday out with my fab friend Thursday free and Friday a man is coming out to see me. More on that next week. I’m dreading his visit though.

Tomorrow Hub and I are out in the morning back quick to have our dogs have some fun on the field and Sunday our lovely joiner is coming. He’s a great guy it’s so good to have someone who we can trust when it comes to tradesmen. His work is stunning too. He’s one of the few genuine guys left.

Oh, talking of genuine guys, heck, last night hub and I watched a TV program about Mormons. Oh my… The guys were creepy. The ladies were as if on drugs. The children were just not normal. One I did worry about as he/she not sure what, told their Daddy to go away as the pregnant Mother cried because he the father Husband was dating another girl hoping to marry. The two men featured had three wives each.

It’s sick. And how come is it OK to have more than one wife but the ladies have to have one Husband?

I got the impression that there was a lot of brainwashing going on from the Husbands to the wives and kids. How can you be in love with more than one person at a time? How can the wives be happy knowing that their Husbands were sleeping with other women?

Well, as for my eating? I have done well today though I ordered a Pizza for dinner. I ate half though and ate the half at four so only having fruit before supper. I will eat the other half tomorrow before we go out so I work it off. Then I think we are heading to our gym nothing lavish, it’s in our garage. Haha. We can say there is air conditioning in there… It’s pigging freezing.

I was happy with the lady in my bathroom scales today, she told me I was three quarters of a lb less. So, two lbs off this week. So far to go but I’m going in the right direction, and it’s not hurting me now. I’m over the nasty stage. I never wake up starving any more I feel better in myself, it’s stupid, only 2lbs but I think it’s because I’m not eating bread so it’s not sitting in my stomach. I had some jeans on yesterday that I will take out of my robe every couple of weeks, as yesterday I was like one of those ladies on stage, you know, the ones with the magician? Where they are sawn in half? Oh my, it hurt. And I remember when I had to wear a belt with them.

Hub has told me he has ordered me a gift from Ammazon. It’s coming tomorrow, he has just ordered it and it’s eleven in the evening. Amazon Prime is great.
What is it?
I don’t know, I will let you know tomorrow. He’s a darling.

I feel for America’s President Trump. He is getting bullied everything he is trying to do he is getting blocked. It’s so bad. They are making him look a fool. I do feel bad for him. It’s really like they are ganging up on him. I must say, I really like our Prime Minister. She is a strong leader. People keep referring her to Thatcher. Oh no, there is no one like that monster. Mrs May is a lady who listens and has a heart. She puts up with no nonsense. Thatcher didn’t have a heart she didn’t listen and she spoke a lot of nonsense.
Well, I shall go for now going in the bath and using the bath bombs my baby bought me for my birthday, I love them, they are the ones from Lush. They are the best kind.

Have a lovely weekend Bloggets. Xx

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