
Tuesday 20 January 2015


 Teen home safe so no accidents in the ice. He was wearing good solid work boots though. He’s doing so well at work I’m really proud of him. He finds out over the next couple of weeks if he will be kept on. I don’t mind either way, but he enjoys it so for him, it would be good! Also he has gone to work when he has been really ill and early mornings as well as stayed late, so you would hope he would be?


For tea it’s chicken breast in a tomato and herb sauce with roasted potatoes, roasted sweet potatoes carrots and green beans. For me? Everything but the boobs.


I have been out to feed our birds in the garden. Nuts and fat balls. Very appetising or what? Bless them; they will be so cold today.


When Hub was going to work the other day, the taxi driver told him that they were passing so many army vehicles at great speed and lights flashing. Going where? Why? Scary. Hub and I were talking about the new craft that was built and won’t be ready until 2020 costing billions of pounds. Why? As we said around our dinner table, what war would require that kind of craft? Its security and ground men we need now. As for nuclear? I don’t think that will be used as once one button is pressed, then another and before you know it, the end of the world, Aeroplanes are old fashioned now I think.


More washing in the machine. What would we do without electric? Gosh, imagine our world without it?


It is not all that long ago when we started to use electrical appliances, in our everyday life.

Japans first “Pulsate” washing machine a prototype of current models

 Reached the market in 1953. Its popularity exploded as it was convenient product that considerably reduced household tasks.


Full scale television broadcasting also started in 1953

This year, 1953 set a precedent and was referred to as

“Year one of electrification”.

These new appliances  the washing machine, refrigerator and black and white television, were known as the three   treasures, referring to the Imperial regalia of Japan, the sword, mirror and jewel, that everyone longed for at that time.

By 1973, most households had all three appliances.


I mean 1973? That was in my childhood. OK, I was a very young child, but still in my time.


How we have moved on since then, some still long for the days before we had electricity. When people actually had to communicate by talking going out of their houses and meeting with people and families sat around the table in the evening and ate food that was good for them and spoke of their troubles and laughter was shared.


Reading books by candle light if you of course could see, if not Braille if it had been invented by then. Talking about the books you were reading, just like people may talk about a program they have watched though May it be through fingers talking either via computer or texts opposed to the spoken word.


We had to use our imaginations way back how to keep food cool and fresh, hence buying only when we needed it, so having to go more regularly to the shops, hence meeting people, growing our own, outside again talking with people passing by. Having pride in what we grew. Making food more enjoyable rather than opening a packet that has been in the shops God knows how long and our cupboards?


Was it a better life before electricity? For me? Hmm. To get out of the house and go places?


I think for the disabled, accessibility and so on is better now, but we lack in the community spirit that may have been around way back. Even when I was a child, really, I feel so old, I may as well say

“When ah, were a lass….

Hahaha. People used to sit on their doorsteps and chat to the neighbours and over the fence they would chat whilst hanging out their washing. My lovely neighbours when I was first married as a teenager would bake pies and cakes and bring them to me. Bless them, they were beautiful people.


Mind you, my friend Di also brought me a cake last year, so some people still have that way in them, but she is a few years older than me, the younger generation?


Tea tonight, well, tea? That caused a little bit of a conversation in the group I administrate. My lovely American friend Lisa, got confused when asking about tea? As I referred to it as what we are eating… Tea? Should be drank? I tried to explain to her, but bless her, I think I confused her more and me too, whilst doing so…

Basicly, again when I was a little girl, we had breakfast, dinner, tea and supper. Posh people ate breakfast, elevenses, as in tea or coffee and a cake. Lunch was our dinner  in the middle of the day, Then posh people took afternoon tea, which is sandwiches, scones and cakes with tea, but really, that dated from the days when farmers were on the fields all day and needed lots of small snacks to keep them going, but the rich hijacked it. Then posh people would have dinner about seven in the evening, replacing our tea, at five. High tea what the posh people had between lunch at about one in the afternoon, was about three and then they would have their dinner at about seven, so we took tea and had it a bit later than high tea but earlier than dinner. Hahaha, confused? Yep, my friend was and still is, as am I…


Where were we? Oh yes, tea, tonight, I made a huge chilli for myself yesterday but can’t possibly eat it all so tonight a very simple meal of large baked potatoes and some spoonful of chilli out of the hot pot  topped with cheese.


My Son off now with his friend, and I have one more blog to write today, oh boy, wait for this one? X







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