
Tuesday 20 January 2015


I was reading a friends post on facebook today and she wrote something that I thought was truly inspirational.

Set your own rules and enjoy your day.

Think about it? Why live by others why do what others want you to do? I mean, I’m talking hypothetically, of course, we have to live by the law, so in theory, we are never free, but in our own lives? Our own homes? We can make our own rules up and as long as they are not breaking the law, then be free. Do you really want to do that? Be there? Say that? No? Then make up your rules and stick to them.


Imagine a day when you wake up and your day was going to be full of only what made you happy?


You eat what you want for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

You take a long peaceful bath and use in your bath whatever you wanted.

You wear whatever you feel best in.

You just do for you. Nothing which makes you feels grey. At the end of the day, how would you feel?

It’s your life, so you decide just one day, that’s all. Just one day every now and then, do for you. As if you don’t, who will?


When was the last day when you did all day what you wanted? Okay, perhaps we have an hour or six hours, but a full day?

Oh I can’t remember ever having those kinds of days, oh, I am telling pork pies, yes, when my boys were in Japan. Yes, I had one of those days and I can’t remember what I did apart from eating chocolate all day and doing no housework or cooking. I played music of my choice, and there is no real reason I can’t do that now, just I don’t, why? Not sure. Always at the back of my mind, there is housework to do or dogs to see to or food to think about, cooking, to remind my boys of what they are to do, really that drives me crazy. I mean, let them miss whatever, why will it bother me? Well, it will because I like life to go to plan and if they miss something, well, the plan is squished. Who is due at the door? What time will my Son be in? Are the keys in the door so he won’t be able to get in? Are the dogs happy; is my bird OK does he have water?, he’s an Irish canary you know? Hehehehehe.


Teen not long in as been out with his friend, now he is on his way to work. Tomorrow he has college and working again I think in the afternoon.


Glad he went out with his friend though today. As he never has fun. Only when he goes out with friends, and his friends have started to drink in the town, that is not my Son, so he doesn’t participate. But other activities, he does. Just they are few and far between.


The heating is on but it’s cold in the house, so may have to pump it up slightly.


I wrote three poems today for people for Valentine’s Day. From them to their loved ones, not from me. Hehehe.


Okay, must go now and do the jobs I have not been looking forward to, but try for just one day, doing for you. X

Thank you Beth for the idea.


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