
Thursday 8 January 2015


Sitting in my conservatory, it’s not too warm in here, heating knocked off, but it’s fresh and at last a sunny day though outside its freezing. I have the dog run to clean, I can’t wait…. Not…..

It’s a bad enough job but when it’s cold, worse.


Just found out today I have an aftercare visit from lady from Guide dogs next week. Oh dreading that. Really I am. Every six months we have to have one. I don’t know anyone who actually enjoys those visits. I hate being watched on my walks. I feel as anxious as I am already terrified going out.


Good news, Teen passed his maths at last. I am delighted for him. Third time lucky, funny thing is, he was always brilliant at maths always in the top classes when he was younger but then he didn’t get on with one of his teachers and it all went wrong from then on. If only teachers knew how much they could affect the kids’ lives? Some teachers only do the job for the holidays and money, but some for the love of teaching and sadly the latter are far and few between.


Looks like we have new neighbours two doors along. My neighbour across the road text me to say the house that has had the sold sign up for six months at last has moved in. I just hope they are not renting and are there to stay, since we moved here over two years ago, that house has seen so many people as it’s been used as a rental property. It’s a lovely friendly street and I hope they are here for the long hall so they can join in our happy avenue of all sorts.


I had a lovely surprise visit today from my brother, this time I knew it was him at the door, haha haha. It is great to see him, he is so lovely and it’s a fantastic feeling to feel that love I have missed for so many years and at the end of the month my youngest Niece is coming too. Gosh it’s a beautiful feeling to at last have a family.


Today is 16 years since the death of my Mum. I remember that day like it was just six years ago. It was as if I had been forced through a tunnel of hell and I was so lost in there and couldn’t find my way out. It was only five and a half months since my Dad died and six months since I lost my sight. All three factors came as an enormous shock, though all I guess were inevitable.


We aren’t having a holiday this year as don’t have the funds, but I think we are going to spend more time with friends and hopefully visiting our family. Hubs dad is in his late seventies and we only see him about once a year because of the kindness my brother in law shows in bringing him to us. So I think we are going to have to get the train to visit him, problem is, it’s a lot of money as a taxi to the train station is almost £12 there and same back then the train fair and then Dad in law has to pick us up at the train station and that is another half an hour travel and my Father in law is seldom sober, so I do worry about all of us…

But I will put my foot down and make an effort to see him. I miss my Mother in law so much. I only knew her for a year and I really loved her. She was the most perfect Mother in law, but again sadly she died.


The roses in our garden live on that she planted originally in our other house, we transplanted them and they are still going strong.


I must phone our new gardener. I have a number from my friend Arty, but just to remove weeds, they ask a fortune, about £50 and our back garden is tiny. My Son makes me laugh; he keeps saying he should get a job as a land scape gardener? Hahahahaha. He can’t be bothered to pick up a solar lamp that has been rolling around the garden for a couple of months now, every time I go out as I can hear it, it stops rolling. I am sure that freezer pixie from yesterday is also inside the lamp and see’s me coming, has a huge grin and stops moving, I still don’t know where it is.


I bought some red candles you know those large ones? They are at either side of my staircase window which is a big window, I have floor standing candlesticks with them in and with the red curtains and red roses in the vase I think it will look lovely.


It’s funny in my mind, my house is so colour co-ordinated, if I ever get my sight back, and it will be so interesting to see everything from eyes with sight?


I wonder if I would change anything.


As for looking in the mirror? Heck…


Talking of mirrors, my brother since he has lost all his weight, and I noticed he has lost more since a few weeks ago, is becoming vain. My Nieces Husband was joking about my brother always looking at himself. Well we have a mirror in our hall and as my brother was leaving, he took some time to say goodbye. Hahheheheh.


I’m so please for him, though to always watch what he is eating, must be hard.  For me it’s sweets and bread. Also not enough exercise.


Hub has started to go on the treadmill at last it’s getting used…


Though having said that, teen gets on from time to time, he is so fit, he can run fast for over half an hour. He is a really beautiful lad, so tall fit and charming. When my friend Geordie was here yesterday, he spoke to her in such a manner, I was really proud of him.


Mind you, I think he has eyes for her. She is rather beautiful

According to teen.


I have had loads of texts from my friend since our get together yesterday, bless her she really had a lovely day, but it’s mutual, we enjoy each other’s company so much.


Some health news today

Diabetes life expectancy is improving.

People with type one diabetes die younger than those without the condition. Men with the condition live eleven years less than those without it and women thirteen years less than those who don’t have diabetes.

However previous studies showed a gap of fifteen/twenty seven years.


If only people knew of the side effects, I have friends who are now blind and there is no cure because of the above condition. It does scare me, not because of sight loss, I’m beyond that, but the other illnesses that can be involved. I may look into how to do better in avoiding this illness. My Mum had it badly and my brother has it now, but he is losing so much weight I don’t think he will be affected for long now.

Off to make a healthy tea… Does healthy equal no taste? Not always. In fact I being vegetarian, fresh salads and so on am so much better than the awful frozen food you can buy.

 Problem I have is I can’t eat Mash potato or baked without butter. I would rather not bother.

I keep trying to lose weight, but it keeps finding me.

I knew a lady who was sorting out clothes with her little Niece after the lady had lost a lot of weight; she held up a huge pair of slacks and said

“Wow, I remember wearing these when I was 199!”

The Niece replied

“Gosh Aunt,

 How old are you now?”

So have you tried the garlic diet? You don’t lose weight, but you look slimmer from a distance.

Your body is the baggage you must carry through life. The more excess the baggage, the shorter the trip.

Okay, I’m off now, tomorrow the day before our girls come.  Can’t wait. It will be Christmas day all over again as we have their gifts. Later gators. X


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