
Monday 5 January 2015


 A new year a new start. So what changes for us this year? I for sure wouldn’t have predicted the ending to last year for us, and as for the changes throughout the year? Never.


Last year was a very odd year for me. So much went on. Good and bad as well as different and for sure exciting along with total devastation. I really want this year to be normal with the good bits from last year please?


Monday morning. Back to the grindstone. Hub was picked up by a colleague and off they drove to Manchester for a couple of meetings.


I faced the dreaded washing basket that was beginning to look like a mountain. Over the holidays, I have only been washing the the essentials. Comes a time when I have to face colours that all look black to me. Sorting them out into different loads. Oh it’s really hard and exhausting as I don’t want whites turning coloured as how will we know they have? Until someone on a night out tells us… Too late then our faces will be washed out reds.


I have found all the left over Christmas decorations, we do it every year. Leaving just a few things out. How annoying.


Shopping came this morning. All delivered so the game of what’s what and putting it away, then forgetting what what is when coming to cooking. Hahahaha.  I have tried to simplify things and buy more fresh products, they are easier to know what they are as the shape kind of gives it away whereas when you buy frozen foods or boxed, they all look the same and there is no smell to frozen foods. Tell you what was a funny one before Christmas? Christmas tree lights. They came in a box that looked like dishwasher tablets. Of course when I opened them I knew what they were hehehe. I didn’t have bubbles hanging from my tree…


Oh putting the frozen foods in the freezer today was a challenge as our freezer was already full of bread and milk. Also another turkey for when we have forgotten about the Christmas one. So by the time I forced trays of chicken pork and other meats, it was time for the fish and my vegetarian foods, well, really, I swear that there is a little pixie in the back of my freezer pushing the food back out. It was blooming awful. The food was spewing out like one of those vender machines.


I got there in the end though, now, finding anything? Em, may be difficult.


The sun is shining brightly today. It’s like spring here. Yesterday was so icy. The poor birds, won’t know whether to put on their top coats or just jumpers, hahaha.


Sorry, a silly blog, I promise I will be back to normal later; it’s the sugar in the sweeties I have eaten, gone to my brain….


Teen not long been up. He is making some fresh juice. Oh God help my kitchen… He’s off to work later then off out.


I bought Hub a Juicer for Christmas. It makes the house smell lovely. The intention is to be healthier… Oh yes!


I am just dreading the mess in there after boy wonder has finished.


I am off now to look for my mobile phone. I wish I had a pound for every time I lost it throughout the day.


Okay, off to clean my dishwasher. Just heard an advert on the TV as I’m writing this, all about how gross our dishwashers can become. Feeling rather sick. I guess that was the plan of the advertising company?


Lots to talk about this week so I will be back as quick as you can say Jack Robinson…

I love that saying, so what is the Origin and meaning?

In a very short time; suddenly.

It would be pleasing to be able to point to a historical figure called Robinson who was the source of this expression. Regrettably, we can't. It could well be that there was an actual Jack Robinson who was reputed to be quick in some way, but, if that's the case, any reliable record of him has disappeared. It is just as likely that Jack Robinson was a mythical figure and no more real than Jack Tar, Jack Frost or Jack the Giant Killer.

It is known that the phrase was in circulation by the end of the 18th century as Mme. Frances D'Arblay (Fanny Burney) used it then in her romantic novel Evelina, or the history of a young lady's entrance into the world in 1778:

“Well, after reading this on phrase, I’m gutted to learn that Jack the giant killer wasn’t real??????


Later gators. X

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