
Wednesday 7 January 2015


I have just found out my Aunt is coming for my birthday. Well, can’t wait…

 I just hope she is better as in health next time? It’s going to be a long day. Hub and I are not friends. He has just been asked to work in London for four days per year something to do with Parliament. I told him no. It has something to do with his last job. Oh it’s not good in the Fifi household. Well, he promised he wouldn’t return to that life again. But he loved it I’m sure. His health didn’t and I hated it.


It’s not been a good day. Been ill with my eye pain. Until five I couldn’t open them they were so sore. It’s not a good week as the anniversary for the death of my Mum coming up and I miss her so much I always feel so sad this time of year. No one should be without their Mother ever. It’s a cruel life when they leave you as especially when you need them so much. I miss not having grandparents for my Son. He has always only had me and I feel so bad for him. To be able to share responsibility of him would be good. Then to know he had others to turn to better. The result now is he is a closed book like I was for so many years, in fact most of my life. I really don’t want that for my Son.


Tea was disgusting tonight. I couldn’t be bothered to properly cook, so it was a large bought steak mince pie with different veg and dumplings, all because I really couldn’t’ stand and peel potatoes. I’m starting to feel better now, just left with a headache. But have floors to mop and a shirt to iron as Hub has to do interviews tomorrow. Two days of it.


Then I think he is finished employing people for his office.


I have my fantastic friend coming tomorrow. I am looking forward to seeing her. She will cheer me up, she always does. She works hard so hardly see her but when we get together, it’s great.


Happy Christmas to my friends in Russia the 7th is the big day for you all. I hope your dreams come true and this year will be better than last. I hope your health will improve and your minds will be healed.

I miss my friends there, but they will I hope come through their tunnel that they are in right now. For every tunnel has another opening.


Teen visiting his father next week for only a day so I don’t need to worry about him being away too long. It’s his Fathers birthday.


Helicopters are circling our house. “I’m not guilty Sir.”


Oh made a huge error with the shopping this week. Really really cross with myself. We are desperate for bedding. So I decided to order online. It wasn’t cheap but it was half price. I bought a sheet and duvet cover. Well, I thought. Turns out that I ordered two sheets. They are nothing special either. I am as angry as we so badly need bedding and I can’t get out getting it. Dare not order anything else. I will wait longer, I have been waiting four months, and another few weeks won’t matter.


Teen out with friends. He’s had a busy day.


We ordered a carpet cleaner as it’s cheaper than getting someone in. The cleaner is again like the sheets, half price. In fact less than half price. So I guess that will be my job end of week, let’s hope I don’t shrink the carpets? It’s just upstairs and the staircase.


Hub and I said if it’s too difficult to manage, we will just sell it again and it still will be cheaper than getting someone in or buying a full price one. Also so far, I have not come across a nice carpet cleaner. Hehehe. I don’t know what it is, but they all have attitudes not to be admired, unless I have been unlucky, but they are rude.


Hey, what do you think if I’m successful with my carpets, should I start my own business? What do you reccon?

“Blind carpet Cleaner, will come anywhere where there’s muck…. A touch of class. Insurance required!”


Okay, on that note, I will go as my dogs are driving me crazy fighting over the same toy. Xx


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