
Tuesday 13 January 2015


I bought my Hub a juicer for Christmas. We have used it loads since. I thought it would be a good family healthy option.


Vegetable juicing is an easy way to virtually guarantee that you will reach your daily target for vegetables in a digestible form.


Raw green vegetable juice can be likened to a living vegetable broth as it is teeming with micronutrients that most people are lacking.


The bulk of your juice should come from organic green vegetables they say, like spinach, celery, kale and so on, not fruit as that is too high in sugar.

Shame, as I love the fruit juice and just can’t deal with the vegetable juice. To me that should be in a pan and heated and called soup, not served cold out of a jug!

Hub and our Son love the vegetable juice though. So far we have put kale, celery, carrot and apple in the vegetable juice and I must say, holding my nose, I tasted enough just to say I was brave, of the nasty liquid, and it was surprisingly sweet.


I was as a child about to take some medicine. But if I didn’t know different, I would drink it and enjoy, it’s the thought of vegetables cold liquefied I don’t like.


But when I have my kind, I have carrots, so there you go, only because they don’t really have an obtrusive taste, oranges lots of them and an apple. Tonight we put a lime in there that I must say was a little bitter, but as the experts say, fruit is high in sugar, that is a blooming shame, as no wonder it’s nicer than that healthier option and no wonder I prefer the fruit?

Having said that, I don’t drink enough fluid, apart from tea and coffee, I don’t drink liquids, so it must be better for me than not?

Please say that’s right?


I would love to tell you in a couple of weeks I have forced myself to drink half a cup of vegetable juice. Let’s see.


Tonight Hub and I cooked we made my vegetarian option of leak pie and for the boys Shephards pie. So the combination of the juicer and homemade foods, our kitchen came alive.


Enough for tomorrow too so no need to cook tomorrow, heck, ironing then, no excuse now.


Poor Teen is ill with a really bad cold. He can’t get warm. I ran him a hot bath and got him to take some of my vitamin C juice, haha, with that lime, that will sort him out? Poor baby, really doesn’t look well. He’s in bed now after his bath and hopefully he will feel better tomorrow.


The party he was at the other night, his friend was also really ill with a cold, so he’s caught it from him.


I just pray I don’t catch it. I have my wonderful aftercare visit from guide dogs next week, woodsy woodsy woo. Can’t wait for that, but then my oldest Niece is coming, so I really do want to be well to see her. That will be lovely.



Okay, let me know if you have a juicer, what do you put in yours? Xx


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