
Wednesday 7 January 2015


Good day Bloggets, well, I have had my tonic. My wonderful friend Geordie has been. Oh she is adorable. So light and full of life. We can turn serious subjects into fun and fun into hilarity. We have boys a similar age that helps too.


The subjects we cover are ridiculous. Oh my word. We see each other about two hours per month and make up for that whole month. Well, she does,

 I’m shy and hardly say a word. Hahahahaa.


My eyes have gone from total pain to nipping, so not too bad today at least I can open them. My boy is working again bless him, he takes after his Father as he is a hard worker, or was that hard work?



Oh I am going to have to change my mobile phone tone. I changed it last week and from a nice normal bell it’s now a vintage bell and it’s like a bell that would be rang during the plague in London all those years ago.


Not that I ever heard that bell but like one would imagine it to be. I almost jump out of my skin and that would be a lot of skin. It was Hub on his way from work just now. He asked me if I have seen the news. Nope, I’m not going near that TV. And haven’t had the radio on. Well he told me the dreadful news about terrorists in Paris. It’s disgusting, absolutely horrific and I really can’t say how sorry I am for the innocent people who have been brutally murdered by these criminals. I swear the world is going mad. What gives people the right to kill in shops, cafĂ©’s schools places of worship and so on?


I suppose I will never understand those monsters who do such crimes, just as I don’t understand anyone British or whatever who kill. There is no need I wish people could understand that we could all live next to each other in harmony if only the crazy’s would stop. And they are crazy, they must be. A sound minded person wouldn’t commit such atrocities!


What causes criminality? Media? Games? Greed? Lack of intelligence? All of those things perhaps.


My Son won’t watch the news these days; he says it’s too depressing. I agree, though I feel compelled to listen or watch it on TV at least once per day. I was saying yesterday how our News has changed in the UK. Some years ago, in the morning the news would be fresh, not like now old stuff from the night before. Then afternoon used to be different, not now, and evening news was always different again. But one thing that I have noticed, Crimes are reported and there is not follow-ups anymore, example the bin waggon that killed those poor people in Glasgow before Christmas, nothing has been said about it or the person I should say who was driving it. Only that he is still alive. At one time our reporters would be knocking down doors to get to the bottom of the story. Two men jumped out of the vehicle before the driver at high speed crashed into poor members of the public.


Why did he do it? Not a heart attack as it would be reported straight away. So why don’t we know and we are expected just to forget the story and not bother, well I want to know why that happened if it was medical, surely it would be best to report the facts? If it’s malicious, then he should be charged!


Someone has told the other two passengers in the van to keep quiet, I wonder why?


Well, this wasn’t’ what I was going to talk about, all because of the bell, my chat has been changed. I will talk about the subject I intended tomorrow.


Meanwhile if you want to contact me I’m on Twitter, though I’m not a fan of that, and if you require any poetry or speeches to be written for you then please get in touch, I have had eleven requests this week for Valentine’s Day on the 14th of February, so a lot of my time is spent doing that. I’m honoured you trust  me to write words for your loved ones, ha, as especially considering how much I love to write dark poetry, but when it comes to love, I will try to be romantic and not a dark moment in sight, though I was once asked to write for a man who wanted to send his soon to be ex-wife a poem and let me tell you some of the words he wanted to use were not at all exceptable, so I told him no can do.


So Twitter




Until later, take care with love. X

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