
Wednesday 14 January 2015


Hi Bloggets. Oh it’s so very cold today. On our news there are words to say that there has been a mini tornado in the UK, whereas other parts are without electric. We are fortunate. We have electric and I hope we have seen the end of the stormy winds. It was awful and never found out where the flying glass came from out in our garden, but there was loads of it.


The weekend is to get much more icy and cooler. Makes me shiver just thinking about it. Hub been doing some great work locally today, he really is doing so well, I’m so proud of him and what he achieves for blind people. His boss asks him will he climb the ladder, but he is happy where he is. He says he has been to the top at his last job, but doesn’t want that life again, as now he can get right to the people and see first-hand where the help is needed. Our LC was a great ambassador for guide dogs today and at the meeting they went to, she wagged her long foxy tail so pleasingly for others to love and decide to say yes to fund raising. Hub has had installed in all his work vans security cameras. I’m as glad as before there were none and the dogs would be left in the vans quite vulnerable.  His team are the first to use the cameras and he is a test drive. I hope it works anything to protect our beautiful dogs, who never complain about having to be our sight.


All this expense costs money though and Government don’t pay a penny, so all has to be raised by the kind public. This is where Hub goes the extra step, it’s not his job but he will attend meetings and give talks on where the money will go and why. He doesn’t want to be just a pen pusher, he wants to be first-hand involved and his team are all committed.


I love to see this. Such thought and care and it’s not just people like me who they help, its people who need to go to work or University or just see the outside world and without their dogs, they wouldn’t. It’s people like children who were born perfectly normally sighted, but because of cancer or any other kind of condition, they may lose their sight within hours. A fall a brain haemorrhage or car accident, bang, within minutes their little lives are turned upside down!


They go naturally inside themselves. Won’t go out; even stop talking to their parents. They get home visits and if they are right to be matched with a dog, a buddy dog will be placed in their family. A buddy dog is a dog that perhaps for whatever reason, just doesn’t make it being a guide dog. Or they have been rejected for an amount of reasons, so rather than give the dog as a pet; they still go into families where they can make a difference.


Hub visits such families and is touched how much the dogs have changed the children’s lives, not only the children who play with the dog, feel a connection, groom the dogs, these are children who would just sit still, in silence before, or just cry, or bang something on the floor or walls just to do anything but suffer still. Now the kids are waking up for a reason. They have to let the dog out, give the dog a drink. Feed the dog and grooming it. Okay, the job could be given to their parent, but that would be defeating the object. Now parents can see their children being as normal as possible under difficult somewhat cruel situations. They hear their children’s laughter again.


He is setting up a call help line for those who are suffering in some way whereby they need some kind of urgent help and so much more, way beyond guide dogs.


Teen has been to work, though he shouldn’t have. He is really ill. He has the worst headache and sore throat as well as a bad cough! He is dizzy and is seeing double. I wish I could see single, let alone double? Hehehehehe.


Seriously though, I thought they would have sent him home, but no.

He worked till eight tonight. We have had a lovely evening though, despite his illness, now he is away to bed; let’s hope he will have a good night’s sleep.


He is such a good lad and I hope this year will allow him to live again as he hasn’t for two years. Let’s hope this year he will feel freedom? We are proud of him though as he is doing so well at college and sticking with this job, despite having a real bully for a boss, but I think that the bully at work is learning that he can’t crack my boy and has moved onto another poor lad.


Oh, here are the winds back. Like a angry lion. Roaring through the land, destroying anything in sight.


I shall close for now and put the house to sleep for the night. Until tomorrow be safe and remember, you are really important to me!

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