
Thursday 29 January 2015


Well, a very short blog today I have been writing a paper all day and cleaning upstairs windows. Have not prepared tea yet, really don’t know what to make. I’m bored stiff with cooking. It’s just thinking what to do? Also I should starve for a year and a quarter, I am sure I have put on loads more weight. The signs are all there, when your stomach says hello to the walls, before your nose…


Not even time to make myself a cup of tea today, but my little angel made me one. Again I didn’t have to ask. This new child, I must say, it’s worrying me. You know when a man / husband buys you flowers and he doesn’t normally?


It’s tried to snow all day today, but failed.                    It’s very sunny but cool.


Nineteen days to go before one of my most favourite days of the year. Pancake Tuesday. Or Shrove Tuesday. I love it, the start of all new and more importantly, pancakes.


Our birds in the garden are singing. I hope they are full of food. I hope my guide dog hasn’t eaten it all.


Yesterday I promised you some Chinese proverbs or sayings, well; here are a few of my favourites.广交友,无深交c(guǎng jiāo yǒuwú shēn jiāo) -A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.


So true.


万事开头难 wàn shì kāi tóu nán - All things are difficult before they are easy.


This one is funny, 身正不怕影子斜 shēn zhèng bú pà yǐng zi xié - A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe. “Hmm?


We have this saying too 机不可失,时不再来 jī bù kě shī, shí bú zài lái - Opportunity knocks at the door only once.


愿得一人心,白首不相离 yuàn dé yī rén xīn, bái shǒu bù xiāng lí - Catch one’s heart, never be apart.


缘千里来相会 yǒu yuán qiān lǐ lái xiāng huì - Fate brings people together no matter how far apart they may be. This proverb points out that human relationships are decreed by Fate.

I truly believe in that, do you?


And how could I not write this one? 爱屋及乌 ài wū jí wū - Love me ,love my dog.


So other sayings from around the world? How about this one from Russia, but in English only, as must dash soon to be a slave to my kitchen, haha. Better to be slapped with the truth, than kissed with a lie.

And for a Jewish proverb?

When luck enters, give them a seat. And finally for today, I love this German proverb. Love is blinding. That is why lovers like to touch.

“Hehehehe, yep, I like to know what I’m dealing with… x




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