
Wednesday 9 November 2016


Once again waiting, all night I was waiting in such excitement to see who would win the US election and I fell          about three our time but Hub woke up at about four thirtyish. He woke me to listen to the radio results with him, by then it was obvious that Donald Trump was going to be the next President of the United States. And this morning when I woke at quarter to seven, we waited for the news to clarify this information.


Such change this year with the United Kingdom pulling out of Europe and now America obviously voting with Trump who promises to make America great again. I am glad he won for a few reasons, not saying I like the man, how can I, but he is definatly the better of the two of them. She is just not a nice person, neither is he, but, he is what he is, she tries to be someone else and the way she speaks is so sly and she looks down her nose at people. The media lost this battle, they wanted Clinton to win because they knew they had loads of dirt on her and dirt sells newspapers. Whereas his dirt is out there for everyone to see already. I also think if she had won, Trump supporters would have hit the streets and the violence would be awful. I just hope whatever the outcome, it’s peaceful and people don’t start hating each other like the people in the UK did who didn’t want to come out of Europe. Seriously, the attitudes of those who lost is dreadful and rude. Bad losers just like Clinton who couldn’t even be bothered to come out and see her supporters who waited all night to see her results. They were told to go away.


I am sure that there will be a load more countries pull out of Europe when they see how we get on. As for Scotland? I so badly wanted them to stay with us but now I am so sick of their nasty woman Nicola Sturgeon. She is stupid and dangerous for Scotland. When will she realise that Europe don’t want her. She is a hanger on. If Scotland want to leave England, I’m not sure how their free prescriptions will work, as England put money towards that. Each one of our prescriptions that we in England pay for goes towards subsidizing Scottish prescriptions. Our elderly people have to pay for their care when they need it too, where as in Scotland, it’s free. Students in Scotland get free university places and I’m not sure now, but it used to be that even Scottish students who studied in England also got their universities free, whereas our English students pay about £9000 per year.

As for eye care? We pay £20 for an eye test. Scotland? Free. Thanks to England. Blind people also have free train travel too in Scotland, we get a reduction, if we pay for a rail card. The UK should be all the same and I really don’t mind paying the above charges for medical reasons, but I think it’s wrong if you are Scottish you get it free. I don’t think our students should pay as much as they do mind you. And if Scotland pulled their weight, maybe we would all pay half of the £9000.


So, if Scotland leave the UK, and they have to start to pay for the above services then find out that Europe don’t want to entertain them, what next? Another war between England and Scotland? Even Northern Island and Wales get the same privileges as Scotland and Scotland even pay less taxes than English people. We are mugs in England. Really we are, so if that crazy woman wants to leave us, so be it.


Few, Okay, I don’t like politics because not everyone reading this will agree with me but today is a day of change indeed. Wherever you are in the world, just pray for world peace and let’s get this land back to what we were given by whoever gave us it. End the bitter pain as what good does that do us? How do we feel being angry? If we get hurt by people, and we can’t forgive, then just move on and ignore the people who have hurt us. Revenge will only fill our hearts with pain and anxiety. Love and hugs. PS, I will write my next blog about who else I’m waiting for in a mo jo

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