
Friday 25 November 2016


I need to get away take a deep breath and calm down. I’m furious right now.
Let’s just say, I have had a very challenging morning where bureaucracy and blindness have battled against each other and it’s a fight I think I have until end of June.

My right eye feels like it is being squeezed and poked at the same time. I know why, it’s stress.
Believe it or not, I still have not heard from the eye hospital with regards my appointment. So I think that is it and I’m off their list until I visit my GP again. Well, hell will freeze over before that happens. I had the worst night yet with my knee. It locked and the pain was the worst pain I have ever been in. It lasted for about twenty minutes. I couldn’t move at all. Tears fell down my face and afterwards I felt so sick. I was afraid as well, because if there is ever a need I have to get out of the house in a hurry, I’m stuffed.

So much going on over the next few weeks, Christmas is coming too early. Can we please have it in January?

My Blog page still not working right. They have so called up dated it and now there is no blogger dashboard on my lap top where I can check out stats and countries and so on. I have tried to contact them and that in itself isn’t easy, but they wrote back, only they don’t have a clue what I am saying. I wrote.
Why can’t I get to the dashboard any more, to check out my stats?
They write back, take a picture of your blog page and send it to us. Try signing out then back in and hopefully you will be able to access your blogs. Well I can see my blogs, it’s not my blogs I want to know about? As far as a picture? Ahah?
Hub says you will be able to on the IPhone. Well I wanted to do it on my lap top…

You should see my living room? It’s like a sauna and the smell of horrid wet plaster is dreadful. I hope my wallpaper survives. So, what kind of job has he done? Hmm. He said he had plaster on the paper… Teen said that you can still see a line. But it may dry better? Oh heck, I have to get my Son to look in the garage with me today, though I don’t think he will be keen as he is working till nine tonight and he has to see Shamrock, so I think five minutes with me will be out of the question. I need to know what paint I have and if I have any staining for the doors. Again, may need to use Tap Tap See. May be a less stressful request.

We didn’t have TV to watch yesterday evening. I didn’t like it that is my chill time and boy I need chill time tonight. A very odd caller this morning knocking on our door. Saying she had an appointment with my Husband. Hmm. I know nothing about it but took her number. She wanted Hubs number, Haha, stuff that, how do I know she is for real? Then she said she would go to where he works… All very odd. Hub says he doesn’t have a clue who she is. He is home earlier today so I will give him her number.

Okay, have some secretarial work to do so will love you and leave you but not for long. But before I go, some words.
Did you hear about the two cannibals who ate a clown? One turned to the other and asked.
“Did that taste funny to you?””

Two children are in a Doctors waiting room. One started to cry.
The other child asked. “Why are you crying?””
“I have to have a blood test they are going to cut my finger.””
The other child began to cry.
“Why are you crying?””
I’m due to have a urine test.

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