
Saturday 12 November 2016


Good evening Dearest Bloggets. I hope I find you well? We are joined by China, Cyprus, UK, France, Switzerland, US, Canada, Germany, Isle of Man and Spain! If you read my last blog you will know I was waiting to hear from our Doctors about my knee ex-ray? Well, I received the call yesterday from the receptionist asking me to speak with my Dr. She said that my Dr would speak with me by phone today in the afternoon. At about three this afternoon, no call. I phoned our surgery and asked why my Dr hadn’t phoned me? The receptionist said my Dr had gone home at half one.  


My reply was well can I talk with another Doctor please? Answer, wait one moment. Then she came back to tell me that I was not down for a call. I told her I was, then she said, oh, well, now I have found your details, and I am lying… The Doctor hasn’t gone home; she is at another practice. She will phone you from there.


My Doctor called and guess what is wrong with me? Apparently, the early signs of arthritis…. Well, it’s the same when I fell two years ago on my other knee, the pain is still with me but nothing I am too bothered about. But that pain didn’t start hurting until I fell, but I was told that the reason my other knee was hurting was because lack of muscle definition… So, six weeks of Physiotherapy and still the same pain. A year later, my knee wasn’t as bad and has stayed at that level of pain. So, I fell again a year ago…  this time I’m told that it’s arthritis. But it only started the arthritis since I fell. My knee feels like it’s about to snap. It really doesn’t feel like it is going to support me much longer. It crunches, just like the other knee by the way, the sound is awful but apparently, there is no sign at all that I have arthritis in the other knee. Even though there is a huge lump in that knee that is really soft. So, same pain, after same kind of fall, but two total different diagnoses. Do I have faith in what I have been told? No. Non what so ever, but from now I will know not to ever go to our Doctors again. Seriously, I have gone through months of being told that I am lacking in vitamin B, my liver has come back as abnormal and now, my bloods have come back perfect, and as for my knee? Well, the pain is in my mind obviously. Anyone who knows me will know I can’t stand going to the Doctors as for hospital? No. My Doctor is lovely, really sweet, but that’s me done with the Doctors I just have been left to feel a fraud.


 Tomorrow Hub and I are starting the treadmill again. I’m scared stiff how my knee will be after it, but I have to do something, as does he. My weight has stayed the same since I came back from holiday, which for me is great, and I think I know why it has as well, because I have changed my eating habits.  


I have made some leek and potato soup, I love the winter for homemade soups and casseroles, but when I make anything in a pot in the oven, I lose out because I don’t eat meat. When I used to go to Russia, we frequented a stunning restaurant which specialised in food from Uzbekistan! Oh, my it was delicious.  I ate meat in those days though. I also loved the   Georgian food too, oh my. At the bottom of my blog I will give you a couple of links that will take you to the most delicious recipes from Uzbekistan and Georgia! I may try the vegetarian Georgian idea’s.


I loved those restaurants because they were always so warm and smelt so good. When I needed to escape the harsh times, I went through there, it was a place of peace oddly enough. The smells of the wood on the walls and furniture as well as the delicious food, the breads oh my they were the best. In the north where I come from, Newcastle, we have such a bread called a stotty, well Georgian bread was a little like that only heavier and somehow tastier. The staff used to wear traditional costumes too and often there would be a live band, there is nothing quite so jolly as a Georgian wedding. I loved dancing in those days and was always kindly asked to join in with their traditional way of dancing, oh they were such good days. For a couple of hours, I could forget my life and truly escape and now I have those wonderful memories. So here are the links and I will be back tomorrow with more chat, oh, and I will tell you where Teen went for a couple of days. I can tell you now.

Later gators. x




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