
Thursday 17 November 2016


Hot hot hot, and coll’ll’lloo’ood We have Bloggets today from Cyprus, Spain, Australia, and Brazil. Warmer there than here that is for sure, and other viewers from the Netherlands, Poland, Ireland, Canada the US and bitter cold Britain. The weather is really getting ready for Jack Frost to visit.


Beautiful Switzerland joined too, Gosh I love the idea of places like Switzerland Sweden and Canada. It’s kind of a romantic thought. In my mind, I’m out in thick crunchy snow all wrapped up. I’m wearing a long wool light grey coat with grey boots, a pretend pale grey fur hat and grey sued gloves. Passing by the tall fern trees and hearing my dogs running with delight among the beautiful green fragrant ferns and pure white snow. It’s a perfect world though and I don’t slip. Smile. You know that silent sound of the snow? Where everything around you seem so close as if you are in a room full of carpets rolled up. I guess you are with the snow? I remember when I used to go to Russia, walking through the forests and parks was a much needed break from the dreadful reality I had to face each day at the hospital. Seeing multi coloured sleighs with tiny children on being pushed by their Papa’s and small children on ski’s, weaving in and out of people. The sky was full of promise, the air mysteriously moved me to my soul. To hear my true feelings and try to heal my heart, which was taunted by already life. Even a as young girl, I had seen and heard things that no one should have even known about in life, let alone experienced such a life!


But there was something about the snow, as if all the hurt was buried by the flakes of the fallen sky. Silver birch trees with blade like branches so picturesque was the snow gripping onto each branch, like teardrops crystallised in time.


For me snow has a beautiful blanket of comfort. Such thick snow I never saw in England and it was England where most of my sadness occurred. Russia, I had the most excruciating treatments, I was prisoned for almost two months as a six year old in hospital, force fed hurt badly and injected by a nurse who didn’t know pain. No visitors, no toys to play with and for sure no one spoke English. Then over the years, Russia, well Moscow became more westernised and life got a little easier kinder, but then too much so and now the new Russians are here and old mother Russia has died and even been forgotten like a bad memory.


So, walking through the snow now in Moscow, I doubt there is a heart or soul, or even a meaning to life.


In my mind, I’m in somewhere like Switzerland walking, my face is red with the cold. I’m crunching my way towards a small church where candles are lit in the stained-glass windows and I hear singing as I pass by. Of course, in my mind I can see. I see as I did when I was partially sighted. But in my mind, I can drive. Something I have never been able to do. Legally… I have driven in a carpark and down a very quiet country lane.


I see robins and squirrels, red of course. The air is so pure away from nasty cars and factories.


Then I return home, to my log cabin. I kick off the snow and enter the heavy wooden door where by my log fire is burning and lamps light the room with the fragrance of coffee on the percolator. Quaint and comfy, away from reality.


Reality today, it’s cold and raining, that kind of slow rain but where you get really wet. Just as I remembered I have put the dog beds out to air whilst I did the floors, but forgot the beds. Woops!!!


Hub is travelling today by taxi, train and car. Two hours plus he is visiting a client and hopefully home a little earlier than he would be if he went to the office. Little Fella has a day of difference today.


Teen left for work and returned ten minutes later… He had gone in too early. He got his shift wrong hahaha. I joked and told him it was a good job I didn’t have my fancy man here?

He wasn’t impressed…


I think he would disown me if I did that to his Dad. Smile, there is no chance of that. Hub and I are like glue.


We had a different door man out last night. One company cancelled twice so I cancelled them full stop. The guy who came out last night was more honest and not such a trashy person as the one the other night. I hate it when they call each other names. How childish. It makes me just not want to deal with them any further.


Well another guy out tonight, I don’t know what our neighbours will be thinking?


Oh, no, the man who came out last night told us in a nice way, unlike the guy the other night, that our windows and doors are as cheap as you can buy. Well, we know that, but we didn’t put them in. they were in when we moved here. The guy said last night that there is black marks looks like mould has got through the gaps of our lounge window, I was horrified. I clean them but obviously, I’m cleaning in the dark and you can’t concentrate on one particular part if you can’t see, so you just clean all of the frames the same. Whereas if you can see, you rub certain areas more so.


I hate not being able to see for example we have a new kind of candle I love them, but they burn wood rather than wick and Hub and I were wondering if they cause smoke damage? Our wall paper could be awful now for all we know? How would we know, a handy man put my wall light on upside down four years ago? I knew straight away. It took teen, the sighted one in the family, three years to notice.

 Oh, another thing, our wall paper was put on upside down. I had to tell the decorator. But things you can’t feel, we would never know.

I woke up today with dreadful eye pain. Before I even opened my eyes. I don’t understand why I get eye pain when I could see they put it down to eye strain… And now? Believe me, no point in straining... It aint happening.


Today I got up, put teens dishes in the dish washer, he can be so lazy around the house. Then there were two sweet potatoes on the work top. I asked him what were they for? He asked me to make them for his lunch… I made my breakfast, a strange one it was but I enjoyed it… So, what was it? Two bread buns with cream cheese spring onions and cucumber…. I know, breakfast? So, I put teens sweet potatoes in the microwave and will put them in the oven later and he can put what he wants on them. I have put the washing in the machine, that was easy today, as not much in the basket. This tells me though there is loads of ironing to do. Gosh I find it so boring.  I must do it today though. Tidied the kitchen and groomed a wagging one. Put out the dog beds and cleaned the floors. Now I will get the washing that is finished in the machine and take it to the garage which is outside in the rain, but not far at all and in the garage, I go. Then, I will fill a dish with hot water and solution and attempt to clean the blooming windows. I will have to use a ladder as our window sill in this house is so deep I can’t reach the glass and frame and I’m very tall, so I don’t know how my short neighbours manage?


Teen kindly took me for a curtain rail for one of the bedrooms yesterday. Of course, there was no option of choosing what I would like, I got asked what colour and bobs your uncle to the cashier I went. I tell you, if I ever am fortunate to get my sight back, and seriously I’m doubting it more and more now days, but if I do, I will shop till I drop. Choosing things that I want, rather than need. At least I have something to hang my curtains up on now though. And for that I have to be grateful. What it looks like?  Who knows. It’s in the box still. Pointless getting it out of the box until I find who will put it up for me. Same person who will hang my beautiful painting I guess and fix the boards along the bottom of my kitchen units that keep falling off and as for the ceiling in our lounge? Hmm. Right, going back onto the insurance now, reminded me. It’s a week today since they came out. Oh, I also have the bathroom to wash leaking ceiling reminded me…


There is loads on my mind today, loads I could talk about, but it’s deep so will wait for a brave day. My friend laughed at me the other day as I gave a person we know a piece of my mind, if it’s on my mind I deal with it. She said she likes me because I don’t pretend to be someone’s best friend then call them behind their back. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. But this subject is very deep. May be in another blog.


In our news, today? LinkedIn will be blocked in Russia within the next 24 hours. Physiotherapy isn’t good for sprains new research says… Well it didn’t do my knee last year any good and as for my other knee, it’s still killing and kept me awake all night. I am sure it’s getting worse. Also, the pain is moving around my leg and my leg looks twisted.

Spermidine? Have you heard of it? Well it’s in blue cheese, new studies say it can help you live longer. I will leave it up to you to do research on spermidine. Smile.

Adults with hypertension around the world have doubled since 1975.


Oh this is a heart warming story, I listened to the recording last night on the news, and today on line and still my heart was full of pride for this little girl. Last night what isn’t on the recording on this link, the little girl told the emergency services that she was waving to the ambulance people as they pulled in next to her house. The little four year old girl called 999 and told the staff member her Mummy was unwell. If you can listen to this little girl, you will be touched for sure.


Later with love and a thought for now. The beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday.

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