
Monday 14 November 2016


A lovely day with good friends. And some delicious homemade sweet mince pies that Hub said rivalled his Mums bless her soul. I wish I could make nice pastry. I cheat and buy the ready roll. Barbara’s pastry is the best, it melts in your mouth.


 Before going out today I walked on the treadmill for only ten minutes as didn’t want to spoil our weekend.  My friend Donna, asked me today should I have not got a MRI for my knee? I replied, MRI? We are talking NHS. Smile.


Teen had a couple of days at a lovely spa. He took Shamrock, it’s not too far from home, but far enough. They had a relaxing time and a massage but I think most of their time was spent eating. They went into the pool too and chilled in a quiet room where there are beds and magazines if you want to have a read whilst relaxing.


Our Son out tonight with friends and his pal is giving him a lift, as he has no money so wants to earn some by giving a lift or two. So, the friend is taking teen to town, coming back home and picking him up at goodness knows what time. Just before he left with his friend, he called me to say. “Mum. This will be the fastest car I have been in…””


Great Son. Thanks for that information.

“Naught to sixty in five seconds Mum.””

 What a relaxing day I am having…


Slovakia, South Africa, France, United Kingdom, China, Germany, United States, Portugal, Spain and Canada are the top ten countries viewing today.


Out of those countries, which ones have I been to? France, Germany, US, Portugal, Spain and of course, the UK, smile.


As for Hub? He has been to all of those countries with his last job. I wonder how many countries he has actually been to? His favourites were South Africa and India; his least favourite was North Korea. Oh, my goodness. There are reasons why?


I would love to live in Canada, or Italy. If I were a millionaire, and I’m not as I checked my Lotto numbers tonight, I think I would have a house in both of those countries. I have never been to Canada, but I love the thought of living in Toronto, why? Loads of reasons. You never know, one day?  


  Just learned today that we are seeing Julie at the beginning of December. Her 90 year old Mum has just had a full hip operation, bless her, she had to stay awake right through the operation and was talking to the nurses during the procedure. She is a fighter. She got a chest infection whilst in hospital, but now has recovered from that and is waiting to go into a home for rehabilitation.  Gosh amazing lady.


Hub was reading an article the other day about kids of today. It said that as parents to them, you don’t say no, as that isn’t a word that they comprehend, or will tolerate. There is no such thing as waiting until Christmas or birthday for whatever tech they may think they need. It’s a now society, full of selfish youths. Hub and I are lucky as our Son is not as bad as other kids we know, but as a younger child, he was great, now, he is allergic to the word no and as far as respect goes? Well, it’s a challenge guiding a teen who thinks he knows everything and doesn’t take advice. He will occasionally ask Hub for some help on a certain subject, but it has to come from him, we can’t give advice. We look at our elderly people now and wonder what on earth they must think of kids today?


Who is to blame? For sure the media, music with it’s irresponsible language and pop videos showing that anything goes. TV programs too, there are no boundaries. Thank goodness that my Son is very polite to others and charming, but when it comes to when Hub and I are old, how will we be treat by him? It’s a scary future for sure. We need to bring family values back home. The teachers in schools need to stop telling our children that it’s their lives and they do what they want to do. My Son was told this from the age of eight, I questioned the teacher concerned after learning that teachers were doing the same in other schools. I was told that children have to make up their own minds! Of course, they do over certain subjects and situations, but within reason. It’s a shame that kids are not so strong when it comes to drinking, drugs and smoking? My Sons friends all smoke. I can’t understand this. Thank goodness he doesn’t.


Some people say that the church helps to bring children up with morels, but the kids I know who have gone to church since small, have either turned to drugs or depression.  Parents are out working now, the kids are coming home to different people or worse going to child minders or after school clubs, so if they behave whilst out, they come home and have to let off steam somehow, so  we get it in the neck, I got until Teen was fifteen before life got tough, and my friends said that on average they had four years on me, so I guess I was lucky, but I still believe that the seeds Hub and I have sewn, will hopefully blossom.


Bless our elderly people. We have to follow in your footsteps. How?


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