
Friday 1 April 2016


 Good day Bloggets. Well day two of Teens holiday in Amsterdam.  Not sure what time he got off the ferry, if in fact at all? Just let me know he was there about five hours after he was meant to arrive. So did he sleep in? Or just not let me know of arrival…. Never mind, he got there. Now is he on the ferry back home? I guess I will find out tomorrow when he returns to the UK.


An early start for us, as the Doctor was our first stop. Waggs did well no mistakes and everything was fine. Got there and guess what? Well, you could have knocked me down with a feather. The receptionist asked, yes, asked me if I needed shown to a seat? Gosh, steady on? She was nice and I’m sure new. I don’t remember seeing her before. The butch one was on the phone, and mousy was squeaking in the corner hehehe. But the tall elegant lady was really nice, so I didn’t feel uncomfortable at all.


I was asked on my last prescription to get an arm squeezing test…. Or is that blood pressure?  Why? Not sure at all as I have never had high or low blood pressure. When the nurse called me in her room, Waggs thankfully found her and we didn’t bump into anything on the way, as the nurse wasn’t going to be much help, well went in the room. She told me I was going to get a blood test? I said wuu’uu’uuw em. Nope, a blood pressure test? She said oh, is that what you are here for?  I asked her why it was needed. She said she didn’t know…. She looked at her computer and said it was 2014 when I last got my blood pressure tested. I said no, it was Christmas. She said oh, mustn’t have got written down.


Anyway it was done, and it was perfect so I was OK told her about the dreadful circulation problems I’m having, she just said I needed to see a Doctor about that…. Hmm. I do really like our doctors they are so friendly especially a lovely lady Doctor there but I have not seen a Doctor in about a year and a bit. It’s just so hard to make an appointment. About a month to wait or just go in and sit for hours, then you don’t get to see a Doctor you want its hitty missy.


Anyway got home and played some board games with Hub as it’s his last day off on his holiday. Drinking hot chocolate and trying to keep my mind off Teen. Just hoping he is on the ferry and I will learn in about 16 hours and eight minutes. Smile.


Last night had some fun chatty texts with our old school friend JB. She is so funny. So dry. And this weekend we are seeing our other friends for a cupper before we catch the train back home also spending a lovely lunch with family that I am really looking forward to. Just to get out for the day. A full day. Waggs will be Waggs and LF may drop his doggy doodle on the platform, let’s hope not? He hasn’t shamed us over the past couple of weeks not once. Oh it was so funny last night, he did an enormous yawn it went on forever and was so deep the sound that came out of his smiling mouth. Waggatail was sitting next to me and her tiny little jaws began to open and a delicate little sound came out of her as she too yawned. You know how humans pass a yawn on? Well our dogs did that it was so funny. Especially Little Fellas noise.


Oh, did I tell you our recycle bins blew away last week? Well, I have requested new ones. Not sure if I’m going to get them in time for the new bin day next week as for some very odd reason, they take two weeks to come, so Hub was a fire starter yesterday, as he went out to our burning bin with a box of matches and some paper kitchen roll in his hand, under arm boxes and a smile on his face. I was at the ready with the hose pipe to put him out. Hahahahah. Our poor neighbours must look out and think, heck, the blindie burners are off again. Watch our fences?”


So we don’t need to worry about boxes as if we have to wait two blooming weeks before we can put our stuff in a bin, or three, as they are ridiculous small boxes that you put glass in one, paper in another and plastic in another. Well, whoever found our boxes last week would surely wonder why they had Braille on? I think we are kind of well-known around here so we hoped they would be returned but hey, ho, they also cost a lot of money to be replaced. Anyway we are going to just fill big sacks and put them out when it’s bin day next week as that is what the guy told us to do  on the phone.


OK, must dash, Hub cooking dinner for me tonight. But he has the cricket on the radio on so won’t go in there too early but must publish this before he shouts or it won’t get done till later. I must say I have been enjoying the cricket from India on the radio, as there have been two lady commentators on as well as the normal guys now old Bloggets may remember a long time ago I wrote about really not liking lady sporting commentators, especially football, and I still don’t as they shriek. It’s not pleasant to the ear. And it’s so butch. But the ladies who have been doing the commentating for the cricket have been brilliant. I’m really pleased to say I have enjoyed listening to them. Not enough to go in there too soon, but for sure a pleasant time as they talked about fashion, food and scenery. Stuff the game. Haha. I love India. Hub adored it when he used to work there. He said that he wished I had travelled there with him. I’m obsessed with anything on the TV that comes from India. Why? Not sure perhaps it’s just how hub used to talk about the place, the hotels the food and the wonderful children he worked with. They sounded amazing.


OK must dash, I hope you have a lovely weekend stay safe smile and keep in touch. Xx

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