
Wednesday 6 April 2016


 At last I can come and have a chat with you. I’m making a casserole for dinner tonight. Cooking it really slowly. It was quite easy to do as our shopping has just arrived well a few hours ago so didn’t have to go searching. Sweet potatoes, carrots, potatoes, mushrooms, garlic, peas, fresh ginger too as well as loads of fresh herbs some vegetable stock and a tin of tomatoes. So it’s been cooking slowly for an hour and in another hour I will take it out the oven using my wonderful oven gloves my friend Mary bought me from America. I wish we could buy these in the UK they are amazing. Plain white but proper gloves with fingers. If you can’t see, you need to be able to have your fingers free and if they are in a mit, it’s no good. These gloves are the safest I have ever used in my life.  So when I bring the pot from the oven, I will stir and add toasted almonds and of course I added salt and pepper for more taste. Then I will put it back in the oven for another hour or so. Take the lid off and turn it up for a short time. I’m going to make dumplings with it.


Two, tin, tuna, teen has gone to work. I had to send him a text as he forgot to put his tins in the bin after making his lunch. If he is using two tins every day he is costing me a fortune. So a text to two tinned teen smile. I made his breakfast for a treat today. Normally he does it. He had muffins with melted cheese tomato and I made scrambled eggs to go with it. Then we both had a bowl of cereal. It’s a new one and was expensive but on offer at the time of purchase. For a tiny box it was originally £4. That is shocking there is about five bowls in there.  But it’s so good I’m not a fan of serial but this is lovely it has pine nuts in and loads of seeds. I adore pine nuts.


Teen not back till nine tonight. So a long day for him. Hub is at Peterborough so again a long day for him too. He got up at six this morning and left the house with LF at seven. Hopefully that place is coming to an end as they are close to finding a new manager. I hope they do soon.


So browsing the news today what did I find?

Junior Doctors are to strike again. Really annoying me now. Cancelling another five thousand operations. So in total since the dispute started, 25,000 operations have been cancelled. OK you work long hours so do many people and not for what you get paid eventually either.


From today in the UK it is law to have all dogs microchipped. If caught without there is a £500 fine.


Allowing female soldiers to fight on the front line would be a huge mistake said ex-army chief.


The American singer, Janet Jackson is planning a family. How old is she? Seriously? Also I heard she has cancer?


Paris Jackson, Michael Jacksons daughter turned 18 and has had a tattoo of her Dad to honour him. “Let’s hope she will do better than that to show respect and live a good clean life. Poor kid has lost her Dad and as for her Mother?


OK Bloggets, are you ready for this one? A study has shown that humans have been turned on by robots. The robots have been telling the humans in the study to “Please touch my buttocks.”


This is a disgrace. A 55 year old Grandmother has given birth to triplets in the UK. Well, nice one Granny you really have thought of your children haven’t you?


I can’t stress enough what a challenge it is for a child to have old parents. I’m not saying they make bad parents, I’m sure they are better as a lot of Grandparents are better to their grandchildren than they were to their own kids, but, you at 60 have to take your child to school and stand with Mum and Dads in their twenties. Your child is made fun of because of the age of the Mother. Your child constantly is worried thinking their Mum is going to die. A massive age gap between child and parent seems to a child so much bigger. You as an elderly parent are going to leave your child too young. I was thirty when my Mum died and it was far too early. People should have their parents till the kids are about fifty. There are still days when I so need my Mum. I also believe strongly that a child should have their gran parents. Grandparents are as important as parents I’m sure of this. To get the best out of your child.


OK going now to take a hot chocolate then iron. Hmm may need to chill first though and write a poem. That last story has just wound me up. Later gators. X

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