
Saturday 16 April 2016

diary of sleepless nights

Here I’m up again. It’s almost two in the morning. OK. Half eleven it was when we came to bed. Teen decides to go out. We can hear boy racers, well, I didn’t hear the as I had my earphones on so Hub decided to tell me. Great, now I’m wondering where my Son is. I text him, turns out he is a few miles away. So it’s not him.  Then Hub fills me with more unreasoning words that make me so anxious I had to get up and write to relieve my tension. I was fine, even fine with him going out though I was so unhappy about it, I wasn’t really worried as he said he was staying local. I didn’t want him to go to town, as last night, he had a really dreadful thing happen whilst out. I will write about it tomorrow, let’s just say I would like him to stay away from the town for some time. Will he? No, he won’t. He is like a red flag to a bull. Loves excitement and what has happened to him or about him for the past 24 hours is as much excitement that I can stand.

 My Son has made the tabloids and has been branded a hero. I’m furious with him. Though as  a young lass, I think I would have done something not dis similar.


I’m really getting fed up of where I’m living right now. Things are just not going as they should. The area in my opinion is going down hill massively. To be honest, the way I’m feeling right now, an island in the middle of nowhere would suit.


Our poor dogs didn’t get out yesterday, as we had dreadful rain and even hail. Some parts of the UK have had snow, in April? Crazy.


I asked teen did we have any flowers in our garden, he said no, none at all. Normally by now, we would have loads of bulbs and beautiful flowers showing up. But our garden s bare. Awful. Grey and cold.


Scissors have been out and  I have cut my fringe. It’s straight. Just. I was so tempted to chop off all of my hair. My husband hates my hair now; he was devastated when I had it cut. He has begged me to grow it, but it’s so nice to have a change. I have worn it long for sixteen years. I guess I will grow it, but tonight I came so close. Sometimes I feel like cutting it short just to clean things up, you know, clear my mind. New look, mind you, if I, cut it it would be a new look for sure Smile.


Hub and I were talking about going on holiday just the three of us later on in the year. I would love to go back to Italy. Just a last minute break. Hub has loads of air miles to use up as well, so we could even go to somewhere like America and have a great holiday there. But just talk right now.


It’s a challenge for a blind couple to holiday and we would be with teen, but we can’t rely on him and why should we? I dream to go to a Sandals holiday one day, when teen can afford it with his lovely sweet girlfriend at the time of the holiday, would be great.


Today, or I should say yesterday, Hub and I did some DIY putting on door handles with the electric screwdriver. A good job too even though I just held the handles and put the drill back in the box, haha. We moved some furniture about and did some other mainternant work around the house.


I emptied a basket into some drawers. I don’t know what it is, but I’m obsessed by baskets. The best basket I have ever seen was when we were at our friends house who used to live in America, her baskets were stunning. Those kinds with toall solid handles. You can’t get them on line, not that I have seen, but the descriptions of things are getting worse. In fact, websites are getting more and more inaccessible... I believe soon, we won’t be able to shop on line. Groceries from a couple only shops, is fine, but clothes and some other products, are really impossible.


I have just read that in about three years from now, researchers are hoping to do human trials on a kind of virus that is injected into the eyes to the retina to bring back to life cells. Gosh, bring it on? Then we can go on holiday wherever we want. We don’t have to think about how where and when.


Here in my living room, it’s quiet, makes a change as of late during the day it’s been almost as noisy as the back. But for at least three hours, we have a relatively silent street. At the front, as for the back, oh my, that never stops. And those boy racers in the distance, is just awful. I just don’t know where the police are?


Two days to go before my friend is coming for lunch. I can’t wait to see her, one thing is, Teen is off work now of course. So he will be popping his cheerful head around the corner of our room. It’s cringe worthy, he fancy’s my friend who is the same age as myself. Hahaha. It’s banter really, but still cringe worthy. She is really pretty, but also married with two kids, one, his age.


Our besties are talking about coming through soon too. Can’t wait to see them.


We have not been in our gym for weeks and weeks. I think it could be the cold. As it’s freezing out there and our garage of a gym isn’t exactly welcoming.


Our naughty Little Fella chewed up a new door mat today. Just the corners, off it, but two corners. Because he wasn’t getting the attention he needs. He loves teen too and saw he went out earlier in the day and LF didn’t like it. So the door mat got it.


Teen took a video of LF coming towards him when he came in the house. He edited it to go in slow motion. I laughed as the bells were on slow motion, in other words the bells sounded really deep and they jingled really slowly, I don’t know what effect Teen had on the video, but it was so funny whatever he was doing.


Boneo’s the dog treats, they are very large in comparison to normal dog treats. Well, Hub was saying today, he was told the other day that one of those bones, was the equivalent of a full meal for a dog. So, what to do now, as I love to give them one of those wen we get in from somewhere.


Hub still not practiced for the wedding we are going to. He is to sing and play piano for a very good friend. He will be great; he has a stunning voice. As for his playing, wow, amazing. Gosh, talents, a few of my friends are artists they paint, Hub plays piano and teen guitar. Me? Me… All I play is hell, and other talents? Really scraping the barrel now trying to think.

Golf? Ha-ha


I guess I should sleep, well go to bed and pretend to sleep? What time will teen be in? Lord knows. I just fear for his safety especially after what happened last night. Every time his car pulls in the drive, I thank God for getting him back safe. He is chilling with his pals, but I think a girl is involved somewhere along the way. Smile.


I hope you have had a lovely Saturday and your Sunday will get better. Until later, with love, and a big thank you for your lovely emails. I will answer all of them by tomorrow evening. some interesting subjects to talk about so I will bring them into the conversation soon.



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