
Monday 11 April 2016


I wonder where the best place to live in England is. I guess it depends on what you are looking for?  If you want the best beaches and most beautiful countryside, with history space the best fresh air, then I would say my home place of Northumberland. If you have poor sight though that is far from the best place to live in my opinion. If you want to live in a nice area that is. I have  a couple of friends in the North East who I guess would disagree, JB and Trace, but they would also have to admit that they need help from time to time, yes there are fantastic venues where you can see your favourite pop band or see some classical  concert, but you need someone with sight with you. When I lived there the busses were awful. Drivers were not very nice either. I hope they have improved. Our bus never stopped at the same place so it was rather difficult. But for a sighted person, you are minutes from the best cleanest golden even white beaches, minutes from forests and woods and beautiful rolling hills with trickling streams, castles and the best gardens with historical houses in the grounds. As for the shops? Well, the city of Newcastle is the best. The people? Well, I wasn’t too fussed.


Looking at surveys online, asking where the best place to live in England is, the answers were, Hart in Hampshire has the best quality of life in the UK health crime and weather it scores highly.

Nowhere in Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales made it in the top fifty places to live. This is crazy as Scotland has some amazing places and the crime in a lot of the remote parts of Scotland is so low. I guess like all over the world people doing these surveys will be southern and like the heat and head for the closest place to the capital? I can’t think of any other reason why people would want to not even entertain Scotland, as for Wales, well; I have been many times before and love it. Sadly now there are a lot of people who are not Welsh living in parts who have second homes from the UK. I was watching a program the other night about where I used to live. “Tales from Northumberland”  and I cannot believe how much over the past two years I have been watching the series, how much people have changed? I loved it at one time as the Northumberland accent is the best. And now on the show? My word. No way are they original people from the North East. Last week one was Scottish and one man had a mouth full of plums. Sad, I like areas to keep their traditions and accents, saying her who lives with a Geordie accent where those all around me I bet think I’m a foreigner. Smile.


There are two hundred more millionaires every day now in the UK. Well I can tell you I’m not one of them.


Now, where is the best place to live abroad? Hmm. Gosh, I would say Italy. I love the people there. I love the food, weather scenery, the fact it has mountains, beaches and lakes. Where does the survey say?


Switzerland has beauty and fantastic schools. A lot of English is spoken there and offers exciting career packages. Yes, I could live there. Smile. And where next?


They say Australia. No, I’m not going there out of ten of the most dangerous creatures on earth, our friends down under have seven of them. And yes there are some places that are wonderful but, once there you I feel are kind of stuck.


Canada, yes I’m there tomorrow. Yes please. They say it’s a great place to live for health care and jobs. Fresh air and beauty. Oh I would love so much to live there. And where next?


Qatar. Well they say that they will pay for your air fare and housing along with cars education and very generous pay packet. What else can I say about Qatar? 500 people every day are heading to live there.


Japan. My Son would move there tomorrow. He went with Hub some years ago and says it was the best time of his life.  I would love to go for a holiday there. I’m told it is great for blind people. Getting around is so well thought of. The culture and people are really nice too. My Husband worked a lot out there and loved it.


So, where do you think is the best place to live in the UK? As for abroad?  

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