
Tuesday 5 April 2016


OK a question I would love you to answer if you can at the bottom of this blog. May be two questions actually. But in the meanwhile,

Colombia joined us today so welcome to you. Stats for last month show that the UK is still a head but catching up fast is America in total that is, but for the month of March? US are leading and we had 1692 viewers, and from the UK last month, 1392.  


France is in third place of last month and forth is Germany. There is one, just one viewer more for France last month than Germany. It’s so close. Belgium is number ten most views of the month of March.


 I can’t believe still just how many countries these blogs are being read from and I’m still delighted to receive your messages via Facebook, Google plus, and emails. Emails and FB are fine Google plus I seem to be able to read your words messages but struggle with the replies.  But me and technology don’t go hand in hand.


Here I write again as only work that needs doing around the house is ironing and that can wait till later on as I’m on my own tonight Hub out at a meeting till after nine and I guess Teen will be going out, right now he is on the phone to someone he is seeing next week. My dog is sulking in  her bed because her Daddy is out. And Dean, our canary he’s Irish you know? Is asleep.


Talking with someone yesterday I was wondering how some parents have such control over their children still though they are fully grown adults? One of my friends has a Son and daughter. They hate each other. An yet, our friend can still manage to get the two of them together and have a family meal. Please can someone tell me how that is? My Husband and I would never be able to do that. Our kids would just say no. And mean it and that would be the end. So what does my friend do different?  I wish I knew the answer as really some days I feel it’s us. Have we been too soft? Do we have absolutely no respect from our kids? We were talking about grandchildren. Hmm. I even doubt we will ever have any. Our Son says he doesn’t want children ever. Our eldest daughter won’t if she stays with the man she is dating right now and our youngest is a career girl she will be a high flyer. And if I’m wrong and they do have babies, will we ever see them? Hub and I think not. This is so sad and I hope I’m proven wrong. But not for a few years. Smile. Our kids need to find themselves before they find other lives.


Same as what makes some people strong and go and getems. And others where they just do nothing in life? Where does one get that kind of energy from? Are they born with it? My brother has always been full of confidents. He has always worked mainly his own business. Never been afraid of trying opening the doors and seeing what’s in there. Me? I leave the doors closed and paint them.


So they won’t ever open. Some houses in my life have had no doors hypothetically of course. But I didn’t walk through them. Only one I did was to be with my Husband. I guess the half full or half empty glass. Though I must have some kind of strength to get as far as I have in life. Not far in the meaning of what I have achieved, but far as in still being here on this earth.


I have had chances in life and blown them all. My brother looked for the chances that were not given to him and made them work. If the odd one hasn’t worked, then he either made it or moved on.


Allegory of the cave. Have you read this before?  Plato begins asking Glaucon to imagine a cave where people have been imprisoned from childhood.  These prisoners are chained so that their legs and necks are  fixed, forcing them to gaze at the wall in front of them and not look around at the cave, each other or themselves. 


Behind the prisoners is a fire, and between the fire and the prisoners is a raised walkway with a low wall, behind which people walk carrying objects like for some reason puppets.


The prisoners see only the shadows and the voices sounds echo off the same walls. The prisoners believe that it is the walls that are making those sounds as they are making the pictures.


One prisoner is freed and he turns to look at the fire. His eyes hurt and he is forced to see real life, he doesn’t like it so turns back to the wall that he knows. So life is clearer and more comfortable the simple way rather than a challenge of what is new. And it’s there where I lead this blog. What makes us want to stay in comfort and what makes others jump of a high wall and into a river? Some sink some swim. Some just stay safe. But never get anywhere.


So what is the best way? Again, I think this can only really be answered by each individual as someone else can’t tell me to feel or do something I don’t want to? Same as I can’t tell you what to do. But how if we want to, do we achieve command? Answers? Xx

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