
Wednesday 13 April 2016


Dearest Bloggets. How are you all today? If my friend on Twitter Joseph F is reading this, please can you let me know you are OK? Old readers will know I’m rubbish at the Twitter thing. I can post but reading your replies is a challenge as for answering your comments? Heck. Bear with….. Joseph you inspired me so please can you get in touch?


Well it’s a funny day. It’s sunny and raining that kind of light rain. But constant.


My Son left last night at a quarter past ten with rain lashing down, and thick fog he told me. A two hour drive to our old home town. Today he has dealt with his horrible car insurance people. Seriously Bloggets if you live in the UK and you have a child under the age of 21, when it comes to car insurance, don’t let them get one with a black box. I could write a huge list a mile long why, but won’t bore you with detail. Contact me if you need to know more.


So today he is having a game of badminton. Great, better than his original plan. He was going to work today gardening. The weather is too bad for that. Also he is meant to be seeing someone there not working.


I made sure he left on a full stomach. Oh I didn’t tell you about our dinner last night. I made the gravy with a splash of red wine. Gosh, what a difference that makes? Everyone enjoyed dinner and I am sure it was the gravy which made the best part of it...


Hub working hard from home today. Gosh his phone has never stopped. He is answering emails at the same time as talking on the phone. He had a ten minute break for lunch and back to work.


I’m not looking forward to the challenge I have tomorrow. We have a lot of internet things going on. Gosh, really, Techno Fi is going to be tested tomorrow. Lord knows what we will end up with? Haha.


Oh I’m really excited I have had such great news or should I say help with regards publishing my first book. I will keep you up to date as I learn. Now just need that metaphorical stick to whoop my butt.


So subjects for today? A gay Policeman has been murdered by a man who met him on an online dating site.  Gosh, really, whatever happened to meeting people the normal way? There is no communication between people now days. It’s all on line. I mean, how does this work? You meet someone on line and arrange to meet with them? It’s dark and you go to his or her place or meet in a dangerous area like country road. At least one of my friends has met her man this way, but she has the sense to meet him in a public place during the day a few times before she takes it further.


A blind date, do you still get the spark you would if you met by chance? I’m not too sure you do. It’s too planned. I will now get messages from people saying they have been happily married for thirty years now and they met through a blind dating organisation. I have said before I wish we could pick our kids partners for them. Smile. But, in truth, I don’t think the butterflies would fly if that was to happen.


Gosh Bloggets see if you come to the same conclusion as I have with this story.

Archaeologists in Mongolia have released pictures of an ancient woman preserved in the Altai Mountains. So what is unusual about this? She appears to be wearing Adidas boots. So is this time travel? She is one thousand five hundred years old….


So come on Bloggets, what is your opinion on this subject?



Mine? It has to be a con. But why? Why do such a childish thing and can you imagine whoever is in charge of the findings of such matters, surely it is unprofessional to joke like this? Or, is this the first time traveller? Hmm…… I shall go and have a cup of coffee and ponder on this.


Later Gators. X

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