
Wednesday 20 April 2016


Gosh, day two of some heat. 17dg today. This is I bet our summer, as for tomorrow we are back to winter. Some parts of our country this week have seen snow. Can you imagine? It’s ridiculous. I have said before we used to always get four seasons in the UK now we get two. So our autumn is winter as is winter and spring, but if we get some nice days in spring, then they are our summer and as for summer, that is our new autumn. Seriously I’m not impressed with our weather, normally by now I am wearing t/shirts. Last night I had to get a thick jumper on after forcing myself to wear a t/shirt all day yesterday, as the sun did come out. As I said again today its sunny though doesn’t seem as hot as yesterday.


I should make the most of it and clean the dog run with buckets of hot water and cleaning products and I’m sure I will as I won’t get Goosebumps out there today, also our garage door, front door and windows should be cleaned. Our window cleaners only come three times a year. I don’t get it, why? Our windows need doing every five weeks or so, we were promised that they would come to do our conservatory roof way back in January. What are we now, April, still waiting. Our roof has thick moss on it now. The birds sit up there and the mess from them is awful. It’s so bad, that the sun doesn’t shine in anymore through the roof. Haha. We may as well have had roof tiles?


Teen said he was going to some rocks. Great, wow, at last. It’s a beautiful day so why not? Then he said oh no, not until nine tonight. Oh my word. Really? Rocks in the pitch black? Great idea. Lovely day stay home guys, late tonight when the weather is due to get windy, why not go to the rocks.


At least last night he stayed in after half ten. He went to the gym again with friends then home and all was peaceful. Hub went to bed at ten which is not like him but he was exhausted. I have not ever seen him that tired. He is still looking after two teams so today he is in Peterborough again.  He has a lot to do but it’s nothing like what he used to do with his old job. I have just read an email from his old work and gosh, it sounds so glamorous and brought back the memories of when I went away with him a couple of weekends. It was lovely. The colleagues were so intelligent and his work was really important, but gosh I wouldn’t want that old life back. He was never at home. And his colleagues now are so lovely like a little family. Hopefully soon, he will be looking after one team again and things will calm down. He has about six hours sleep per night and when teen was out the night before, he had about three hours, it’s not enough as he has tough decisions to make and right now he is sorting out his office, there is a big change going on there so in his head he has to have a visual map to know where things should go. This is difficult for someone who has never seen, as he has no memory of the layout of places when they get changed around.  When you can see, you have it easy. You open your eyes and whatever is in front of you, you just see, you don’t have to think about it. When you can’t see, you have to remember everything and if one thing is moved, or a chair gets left out, well, it’s not quite so easy.


The job he is doing now is very visual. So he has on going battles with life, trying to get it more accessible. He has not let me know he has arrived at his office, so taxi’s and a train journey, well, I just gather that the police will let me know if anything is wrong or his colleagues. So I’m chilled. The Little Fella will enjoy his different environment today. As for Waggatail, she is here in the conservatory with me. She is getting more an more like Black Beauty. Remember my little BB? AKA Hannah. Oh I so miss her. Teen says he doesn’t so much though he has had her since he was five till seventeen, he says that Waggs is so like BB, it’s almost like she has never left. And it’s funny as they had the same puppy walkers, these are amazing people who have our dogs from six weeks till they are ready for big school when they are about fourteen months. I don’t know how they let the dogs go, no way I could. I love a dog so much after a week. Thank goodness they do this for us though, or our dogs would end up in kennels for their first year and a bit. It’s best they are with families, as then they get used to living with people as that is how they will end up. With a family, or at least in a house, opposed to kennels.


Gosh, dinner tonight. Oh heck. What to make? I really don’t know. Sometimes I wish I could pay for a chef. Wow, imagine, it’s not the cooking, it’s the thinking of what to cook. I have done this since I was in my teens. Too long, time to be a person rather than a slave to my kitchen. Hahaha.  I really should go out and buy some potatoes. It will be a nice walk for Waggs as I said, tomorrow will be raining I bet. Or worse, windy. We have gone through a ridiculous amount of potatoes this week. Friday, I bought a sack of them. We have five left. That is mad. Normally a sack lasts us nine ten days. This has been six.


Well, whatever you are doing in your part of the world, I hope it is more interesting that cooking and thinking about cleaning the dog run? Haha. At least tomorrow I have something different planned. My brain will be getting used.  There is a difficult project that I have been asked to help with. I also need to do some filing and gather together some work. I have an interview to do as well and its teens first day at his part time job. I think he is going to absolutely hate it, I hope I’m wrong.  I just feel so sad that he has left his really good job where he was a manager and secretly I think he liked it, just the travel and cost of running a car that made it in the end impossible.


I’m still using my new computer this has been a week now; it’s come with many challenges. But I have to ignore them as I have tried to fix them as has Hub, and we are beaten. I really believe for the blind, as the tech improves for sighted, it deteriorates for us. TV’s are a nightmare now. I would never watch TV again if I lived on my own. It’s all the stuff we have with our TV that makes it impossible, I’m sure. The wires behind our TV is like spaghetti junction.


Not sure what time Hub is due home.  I think it will be a late night again for us, for teen if he is not going out till eight, it’s a forty-minute drive each way, he won’t just go for two hours. Today I tried to talk to him about his holiday. Ten days abroad, that will be a time I need a lot of relaxing baths. Smile. Right off now to do the daily jobs. I will be back to talk about my painting that is getting done for me. If you want to look at it, here is the link, I hope it works?



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