
Monday 20 April 2015


It’s been a busy day so far I had a lot of phone calls to catch up with this morning. Weddings to write for and so on. Then

Dum dump durmmmmmmm’mmmmm

The dreaded bathroom cleaning. So teen’s bathroom. Well, first I almost for the second time this week smashed a cup. As you do in a bathroom, right?

He has a habit of leaving a cup of thankfully empty tea or coffee right on the edge of the bath. Just so I can knock it off and smash it and scratch our lovely bath. Then the toilet roll. Yep, he has a holder, for four rolls, but he has to leave that on the bath too, so I knock that into the bath and the full roll is soaked.


Then when we are finished with rolls, do we put them in the bin next to the toilet? No’oo’o

We leave them on the floor.


As for his wardrobe? Yep, half of the Contents are also on the bathroom floor he removes clothes and just leaves them. So I open his bedroom door and throw the clothes on the floor in there. Now his bedroom is the tidiest room in the house. Oddly.


I cringed when he told me the other day how he went dressed for his driving test. He last time went in smart shoes, dress trousers and a lovely shirt. This time, trainers, joggers and a t/shirt.


Well, it worked this time didn’t it? I guess casual, is in.


He has just come back to collect his tennis rackets. He and it are out doing something normal like playing a fun game. Not long before they will be living together, I’m sure.


Between lines Bloggets.


Waiting now for Arty to come. It’s a beautiful day. The sun is shouting to me and the birds are fighting over berries in the garden.


I’m still on a high from visiting our friends the other day. Gosh, something as easy and simple as that really is good for my mind. Oh and I can’t wait for Wednesday, Geordie and I are going out for coffee and a three hour chat. I adore her she really is so lovely. As for tomorrow? So many poems I have to write, and they have to be cheerful. Heck, here’s hoping Fifi Blogget can do cheerful?


OK, my little Wagga seems to be better today, yesterday I was a little concerned about her but she’s alright today. She is crying as she can see the harness and led. Also a ball in a bag on the door. Whistle in my pocket with doodle bags and treats.  Oh and in the bag a rubber glove as not a chance I’m picking up that ball after dog slobber has clung onto it. OK I can hear Arty’s engine.

That was then this is now. Back from our dog walk. A very lovely long chat with Arty. Really, we can talk forever. I simply love the fact that all of my friends are so different. Sadly, I don’t see them enough, weeks can go by then like the busses, and they all turn up together. Trix and Co on Saturday, Arty today and Wednesday, Geordie, then a month can pass before I will see any of them but hopefully will squeeze in Di a few times. Bless her she will have a lot of work with her builders. I don’t envy her. But when it’s done it will be lovely.


Just had dinner. Oh so full. Hub in gym. Don’t know how he does it, it’s impossible for me to move. I haven’t had loads; just I fill quickly but sadly empty faster. I can hear him. Now picture this Bloggets.

Hub goes to the garage with headphones. Closes door behind him. Then so much laughter can be heard from there. What will the neighbours think?


I’m for sure keeping out of there. They will think we have a kinky garage thing going on. Hahahahahah.


OK. Teen home later after work. It will be the first time I have seen him properly since Friday.


Hub says my reverse psychology is as subtle as a sledge hammer. Get me?


My clues are normally at the bottom. Cryptic? Read above.


Right, off for now. Take care cos I care. X

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