
Tuesday 7 April 2015


 So my Hub gets a taxi each day to work. Well, really, some of the stories that I can publish are amusing. Now he has a driver who calls himself “The Turk with the Merc!”

Hub really likes him. He says he’s a very intelligent man. They have deep and meaningful conversations. Politics and business. Religion and so on. It passes his time of transit perfectly well, as there are other days when my Husband just gets stuck into work. This day and age, you can, with lap tops and IPhones.


Some drivers are as hub says; listening to them is like watching paint dry. Now my Hub is blind, so you can imagine how dull watching paint dry will be for him? Hehehe.


Then there is randy Ralf. Really? He totally annoys my husband, I joke asking him if it is jealousy, as the stories coming from this man Ralf are unbelievable.


He has ladies all over the place, well, he doesn’t stop there, and he gives hub a graphic description of his naughty nights.


The scary thing is, he picks up girls from private schools….. To drive them places. I hope he is a good man for them? Really, that does worry my Hub as this driver is a walking talking Willy


He travels the world to get women from all cultures. Most of them he brings back to the UK for a while. What happens to them after that? Not sure.


Hubs staff at work says he is a good looking guy. I thought he would be ugly as the ladies he gets are let’s saying, not from places you would imagine would be beauties.  I mean as well, what 20 year old would go with a man almost fifty? Or what respectful woman would do this?


Ralf says that they are stunning girls. Well, what are they doing with him? They all know he is not loyal.


He told Hub that there is not one sexual disease that he has not had and laughed.


I laugh, when I hear my Husband who isn’t really, well, not really, prudish, explaining how vile this driver is.


Then another man, Rob. Oh he is funny. One night, he picked up some lads and the first one got out then it was time to drop the second off.

Well he turned to tell him how much he owed to see that there was no one in the back seat.


He realised he had been done.


He drove on for his next pick up.


It was a young girl who had seen better days and nights. She was worse for wear.



So she got in the car or fell in and as they were driving along, she screamed. The driver put on his breaks to see if she was OK.


Well, the look of horror on her face and then the driver, as another head popped up from the floor.


It was the second lad who obviously fell off his seat in the back and was on the floor out for the count.




The same guy dropped another drunk off and the lad ran off. Well, the driver ran after him. He is a tiny guy.


Now then, so he ran through the streets of our city? No. He ran through a neighbourhood?


So where did he run? I hear you shouting.


Through a corn field.


Oh I did laugh when I heard this story. It went on and on. The ending was so good. Basically he got his money back. But here goes, it was for £2.60


And it gets better. The poor driver ripped his shirt and his shoes were ruined.


Another guy, Tim. Oh he told hub that there were some people coming around his street. He was locked in the house. Why? Because his wife had gone out with the dog and took the keys. Now one set of keys to the back and front door? Just lets you see what we are dealing with.

There have been a few burglaries around his area of late. Someone knocks at the front door pretending to sell something and around the back, is the thief.


So Tim puts the chain on the door for safety.

He gets cross with the person trying to sell him something. As they just will not go away. He even closed his curtains. Moments later. The door again. He thinks what a cheek.


Then he   calls the police.


“Someone is trying to break in my house.”


Well, long and really really funny story but in the end. Tim’s mobile rings. The Police are on the other phone telling him to answer his mobile. Tim does. It’s his wife.


“For goodness sake. Let me in?


Oh the stories go on.

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