So just had dinner. It was delicious. I made couscous. First
time I have made that. Before I bought it in, never again, it’s so much nicer homemade.
And so easy. A cup of couscous and a cup of stock then add some butter cover
and wait then fluff it up with a fork. So boiling water to make stock with a
cube no need to put in pan or microwave. It’s yummy. So filling too I think
this is my answer to lose weight. As boy, I’m So’oo’o’oo full.
Now going out to the gym. Our garage. Must do it today. Didn’t
yesterday or the day before. Have to I really do. Hub been in there an hour
already, it’s his man shed.
Teen came home from work and told us that he without choice
had been chosen to do a charity bike ride with one other guy from work. Though he is excited he I’m sure is a little apprehensive.
He struggles to college on his bike of six miles. This ride is fifty.
I know I’m a bit worried at his casual response because he
has less than two weeks to practice and his bike, right now is in bits. He
doesn’t have a helmet. He said he would borrow one. Oh God. Really?
He also gets lost going to a new bus stop. Hehehe. Fifty
miles? That day for me will be a difficult one.
I’m in groups for my eye condition online. I do wonder if
our dreams come true and we do get sight back, what will happen to the groups. There
are some wonderful people on there. I hope we would keep together and talk
about what a difference our lives have made since we were given the gift of
Oh I know I go on about it, and I know it drives my Husband
mad, but really, to see for me would mean so much. I cope with my sight loss
now better than I ever have. But to be given sight would be like given life. A
new world a new view and so much more to do and look forward to. Life would be
so much easier. Less stress. Gosh, we would be even well off. Compared to now.
We have to pay for so much more as blind people than we would if we could see,
mind you, if we could see, or one of us could, we would be exploring every bit
of spare time we have so I guess that would take up money and we would have a
car. Heck, Fifi in the driving seat? A scary thought.
I wonder if I would change. I wonder. I mean, sometimes
blind people compensate lack of sight with time, kindness and laughter. Would I
become a busy, selfish miserable so an so?
Naha, I wouldn’t I couldn’t I’m too long in the tooth to
change dramatically. For sure I would work with those who still are blind. I
have told you before our church do an amazing thing each Christmas. They do a
dinner and collect those who don’t have transport. Some of those elderly people
say that the last time they got out of the house was the year before. Once a
year to leave the house? Oh it breaks my heart. What crime have they done? If
it is something in a previous life, well, what is the point of hurting us now,
as we can’t remember what we did?
Some say it’s to see how we react in this life after being
dealt with such cards to see where we go next, well, heck, if suffering is a measurement;
I’m flying right to the top. My wings will be so gigantic they will block out
all light. Hehehe.
My dogs are now fighting over a nylon bone. You know they have
the whole wooden floor to play on, but no, they pick my rug. My rug that has
been in every corner of my living room. It dances like it’s at a seventies
disco. The dogs sneeze and the blooming thing moves. I put a couple of tables underneath
each other those nesting table. So they are keeping it down a bit. So there is
a rug with the tables on and the daft dogs are diving into each other on it. They
will settle down the winner that is with the bone and eat it on my rug, you
OK, I can’t hear myself think right now so will go. Before I
Q: What do you get if you cross a gold dog with a telephone?
A: A golden receiver!
Q: What do you get when you cross a dog and a calculator?
A: A friend you can count on.
Q: What do you get if you cross a sheepdog with a jelly?
A: The collie wobbles!
Q: How are a dog and a marine biologist alike?
A: One wags a tail and the other tags a whale.
Q: Why do dogs bury bones in the ground?
A: Because you can't bury them in trees!
“Right now, mine are trying to bury one down the others
OK. Sorry. Come on though, at least one of those jokes, your
frown was turned upside down just for a second?
OK. One more go.
Q: Why did the poor dog chase his own tail?
A: He was trying to make both ends meet!
Laters. X
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