
Monday 22 September 2014


Good day Bloggets. So, a continuation to our girls visit. After tea, we went out to our town, to the theatre. We only waited a few moments for a bus, we didn’t take our beasty girls, well, mine can’t sadly go to town, but Hub decided to give his a break, I can tell you, she wasn’t happy? So our girl walked with me and Hub just put his hand on my shoulder, haha, I always feel like I am being guided by the police when he does that… But at the same time, he is so gentle that I almost forget he is coupled! Whereas me, I hold on for life. Hehehehehe. It was a chilly night, though I was dressed for summer. Our girl with her velvet flowing cloak on though, was warm… Oh my word, the bus was absolutely packed. I couldn’t believe it, and how many brats, sorry, children, were on the bus going to town on a Saturday night? Why? No shops were open! Oh we all found a seat, but different places. Our girl is so good at guiding as obviously she has had it since she was born, well not the guiding, but parents that can’t see. As her Mum is partially sighted, but she is amazing with her out door skills, though I have always felt useless  compared to her for those skills, I have learned that in doors, she is not at all dependent, that shocked me this weekend, as simple things to me, she struggles with, whereas going out of the house, she is brilliant. Anyway, on this bus, oh God, there were three kids, a baby under one, a one year old and a three year old. The Mother, and I think, the Father, had them all and were laughing at the noise the kids were making, the older child was slapping the bus window and spitting on his parents, I thought if a bit of that fly’s my way, I will go ballistic and a ballistic Fi is not a good Fi!


The baby was screaming and the Mother was telling the middle child to copy his little brother. Why? Not sure… Really, my ears were killing, a lady said to another that she was getting off early, the other lady said she didn’t blame her and thought she would join her. Oh God, really they were dreadfully behaved. I mean no shame from the parents either. The odd thing was, the Mother and Father spoke like mice? No, not in a high squeaky voice, but so quiet.


The couple of girls behind me were stressing over their boyfriends they were to go out for the night and were receiving phone calls telling them that this and that was going on behind their backs and at the same time, Hub was next to an old man who started a conversation with Hub and our girl who was behind Hub. Oh bless him, he sounded about eighty and all he talked about was what it was like in the 40’s before all the roads, when the birds were all in the trees that have long been replaced by concrete. Every time Hub or our girl tried to interact asking a question, he would go off on another memory, but couldn’t answer anything, he bless him, didn’t have a clue where he was or what he was doing? I did wonder, how on earth did he get home? Did he just get on the bus and sit all day just talking to people? But at the end of the day, where did he go? I so worry about people you know? All night and even two days later, I still wonder about the poor old man, I don’t wonder about the family from hell though, OMG?


So off the bus, Hub knew where he was, thank God, as I was ready to press the bell about five stops before it was our turn to get off? Or was the bell my ears ringing with the blooming screeching from the kids?


Oh the theatre is about ten seconds from the bus stop, so perfect. We collected our tickets and off into the seating area. Oh, heck, this was embarrassing.


So, when you walk into a theatre auditorium, you walk in the top and walk towards the stage, right? Down towards the stage we went and our girl kindly told me these were our seats, so I faced the stage, putting my hand behind me to pull down those daft seats. Thinking,

“God this seat needs some oil? It’s stiff!”

So it wouldn’t pull down, so I tugged it a bit more, then I thought,

“Gosh, this seat is thin? I’m going to be a bit uncomfortable on this tonight!”

Well, would the seat move? Nope, not a single inch, then it began to creak, and our girl laughed as I asked her why would the seat not pull down, she answered

“Oh, no, you need to face the other way, that is the back of the seat in front of you!”

Haha, say wha’at?

So you actually come in next to the stage, not walk down towards it? Well, I never!

So as I composed myself, and tried to behave our girl was chuckling and of course when Hub found out, he held my hair up, still on me head of course, hehehe, and told our girl it was my hair colour. Cheeky monkey, no, it’s I’m a blindie, not because I’m a Blondie… But a blind person who does everything extreme.

Note to oneself

OK, if the seat doesn’t move the first time, don’t try it again? Stop and think!


We went to see George Orwell’s 1984. I was the only out of the three of us who hadn’t studied this book, I was the only one in the whole theatre I bet who hadn’t a clue about anything about the plot. Wow, it blew me away how this author wrote about his visions of the future? I want to study Orwell and write a blog on him, may try to do that this week, as I have some time on my hands over the next few days. Let’s say, it was pretty horrific. Did I enjoy it? Em, well, if you have any knowledge of the book/film or play, enjoyment isn’t really a word I could say to describe how I felt but it was interesting and the actors were amazing, the graphics and special effects our girl said were fantastic, there was a lot of screen work in the play, like watching the telly in parts. The production got a standing ovation and rightly so. There were parts of the play I was really terrified, too close to the truths of todays life in the angry world, as I said, more on this in a later blog.


Out of the theatre, battled through the calm and I think shuck up crowds who also I feel were in some kind of shock what they had just seen, and across the road streight onto the bus, thank God, as I was so cold and at nights we could have waited another half of an hour. We got home and had a cup of tea and oddly some fruit and biscuits. Our friend came over to meet with our girl and a late night after midnight, we went to bed.


The next day, we had a relaxed breakfast, oh it was so lovely, the sun shone on our breakfast table and we talked about politics and morals. Wow, it was great, I so miss such conversations and I was in ore of how much our girl had changed for the better for sure, though her world is so different to ours and for sure my Sons, she has a very privileged rich lifestyle, but holds good standards that I fear my Son is losing for sadly the person / people he is mixing with, an yet in one finger, he used to hold the most amazing  scruples and quality of kindness he would eat anyone up with it all.


We went off to lunch at our restaurant we frequent and our Louis was as sweet as ever. Sadly Hub and our girl had to run at the end of the meal, no, not to avoid paying the bill, haha, but to catch the taxi to transport our girl to the station for her train. Hubs words

“We will run off love, you will have to come home on your own as you are too slow!”


“Thanks honey.” Haha, good job I had Wagga? Well, she did tour the flipping car park again oh I really don’t know what to think of her, but at the same time, we did get home, eventually!


Our Son came home at six. He was starving bless him. He ate nothing at all where he was staying. Crazy, but his choice. Good job we had food for him ready. We had words. We just had words. It’s almost mid-day the following day now and he is still in bed. No college today. He is applying for jobs but no luck so far. I’m for sure not encouraging him, as I know where the money will go. He has chosen to study this year and he as my Husband said yesterday, and this is after a day with his hyper brainy daughter,

“Our Son is the most intelligent teenager he knows and has ever known!”

Well, let’s hope he starts to believe this as for now; he is existing rather than living. There is no spark there that has long gone. It has been stolen by the cruellest of thieves!


More later with love.

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