
Friday 12 September 2014


A story at the end of these quotes, most of them I know who said them, but this one I read today and love it but not sure of the author.


“Some people are so poor all they have is money…


I love that, do you? Not saying rich people are heartless, as there are a lot of wonderfully kind rich people out there, but I know a few who are so very wealthy, and have hearts of iron. They won’t show love and treat those who love them, like absolute distant dirt, whereby they can damage without conscience, when their day is done. When they are through with them. The sad and tragic thing is, watching those you care about being put through the heartless games whereby the ones you love are simply a pawn to be played with..


Anyway, more quotes


The best and most beautiful things in the world, cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart.

Helen Keller


Try to be a rainbow, in someone’s cloud.

Maya Angelou


It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light

Aristotle Onassis


Change your thoughts and you change your world

Norman Vincent peale

Now this final quote comes from an absolute hero of mine. I had been in the media for three years. In the Newspapers, radio and plenty of TV, even Live TV, but this night was to be my first ever experience of something my Mum couldn’t even deal with, so I was on my own, she knew what was expected of her, so stayed in the green room… Sent me out there all on my own. I didn’t know what to say, where to go and

Couldn’t see hardly anything, I was seven, a tiny girl, who didn’t really know what was to happen. I knew it was live TV again, but this time there was an audience. So the lady took me behind walls and in front of curtains. Avoiding as many wires as possible. I don’t think I was nervous, as I was too young for that, but for sure apprehensive when the lady let go of my hand and told me to go….

“Go, go where?

The clapping sounds got louder, as I stepped out from the curtain and onto a long walk. Where? I didn’t know at that point, I kind of guessed someone would grab me at some stage? The studio lights were whitish yellow burning through my retina. I saw a couple of shadows.

I headed towards them. The first man I saw, wow, he was a God. He was so tall and I am sure the first black person I had seen in my life. He looked down to me and his face was full of love and deep kindness. His enormous hand reached out and took mine. He guided me to sit next to him

. He was adorable. God alone well and a few thousand watching, knows what the heckers I spoke about and I can guess I was rubbish and not too interesting viewing, but I didn’t care, I was sat next to a God who at the time to me was a stranger, who made me feel at ease. There was a presence around him. I wish I could have met this man again to say how much respect I had for him and still do. Though I completely condemn his sport…

 Well, one of his quotes is


I hated every moment of my life training, but I said, don’t quit, suffer now and spend the rest of my life a champion


So, who is he?


Can you guess? When I did the interview, it was about 1975? Give or take a year leading into 76?

Still guessing? Think of butterflies?

OK, time’s up.. “Ding ding, or ring ring…


Remove your (boxing gloves) and tell your brain to stop fighting for the answer… Haha. The man himself was

Muhammad Ali

You know when you meet someone, and you feel that deep connection? Well I felt it with this man. Oh I will never forget his handprint in my heart.


Now a quote from someone who is mad, loving, funny as in peculiar, I’m sure? And wants the best for you all.


“Should we look backwards, to stay where we are, or look forward to have a future?”

Fiona Cummings

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