
Friday 12 September 2014


Hub teen and I watched a great film last night, from the comfort of our armchairs. Well, sofas. Called Knowing, with Nicolace Cage. It was great, a slow start, but the ending was amazing. As I said on an online group, the ending is as close to my religion as I have ever seen. Has anyone seen the movie? I think it’s from 2009

Well, I’m always last to see things.  I won’t spoil it for you, but if you are a V.I.P, you will need audio to know what’s going on. It’s amazing though and when you are as passionate about that ending as I was, then a great film and Cage didn’t swear at all so great.


I have stayed in all day waiting for a parcel and it hasn’t arrived. I wanted to go to the shop for potatoes. We have five small potatoes at home, I am going to have to half them and the boys will have to have that and be done with it. There are chicken breasts to cook and a sauce to prepare.


Today I have no energy at all. I really don’t look forward to weekends now, as they are full of work. Haven’t done anything special for ages. I’m talking Months apart from when we visited our girls in town and went to spend time with Olga and my dear D.

But those times were brief. Oh and then when we went to see our wonderful amazing friends Trix, Like and hannz. Oh I love that family. They are due to come here soon, as is my friend Julie. I hope Julie will come in the next couple of weeks, and then of course next weekend, we have our oldest daughter coming. She hopes to go to our city’s University next year, so is coming to have a look around the campus and stay the night with us.


I went into my kitchen to start to clean up. I flipping hate it. I get it all nice then within hours, its back to normal mess. There are dishes from a to b and piled so dangerously high, I knocked a glass off the sink onto the floor. Oh you know what it’s like when you drop glass? It was a small glass, but on its flight some magic occurred. The glass grew into a pint pot. I tell you, there are slithers of glass everywhere. I swept, but sometimes hitting, other times missing.

Then got the vacuum out. Oh there were huge bits, but I didn’t know where the heck they were? I couldn’t kneel down, I would kneel in some, bad enough not standing in it all. I skied not to stand on it. I know I will still be finding it next week.


I don’t know what is going on in our street, but the cars have been coming all day? I am wondering if next door are arranging their daughters marriage. I wonder how some cultures still have that power? I have no choice in my Sons choice, he has picked the one he wants to marry and I bet it will be sooner rather than later?

My Brother and I both married before nineteen. My brother has been married 35 years and me to x 23. I hope my now Hub and I will see at least 23 years? So marrying young? I have a good friend who has been with her Hub since fifteen. She is now 49 and they are still in love. So it does work, sometimes, but will it for teen? Only time will tell. If they are ready to give their whole lives to each other and never want the kiss from another, or feel the love from another, then they are ready I guess. As for the girl next door? Bless her I don’t even think she is much older than fifteen. I may be wrong; you know me and my imagination? But so many cars all week and according to my neighbour, were all dressed in smart outfits traditional too.


Talking of my neighbour, she is safely in London for London fashion week. She asked me to go bless her, she is so kind, but my days near a catwalk, are long gone…

Also I am such a coward and to go to London and be with so many people and life is too close to the death of my dearest BB.

Thank God the pain in my stomach from her dying has diluted now, only the pain in my heart and memory are left.


So tomorrow? Oh I really hope we can get out? Just where? I wish I knew? Hub wants to move back to the North East eventually to be with our friends, Trix, Like, Jo Jeff, Vivi, Yvonne and so on, oh you know one of those moments again where you go on and on and think, I only meant to write two names? Haha

I’m lucky, I do see Trix and like, and as I said in my earlier blog, Julie will visit soon. Julie and I met when I went to college. So we have been friends now for oh, heck, about twelve years?


Oh I will never forget the first day I went to college and had to have a meeting with loads of tutors and so on. They handed me a blooming dish that was metal, so really did look like a hospital bed pan? They said the dog had been here in the room a long time and were worried about her? I said a real Fifi Blogget thing.

“Oh, God, no, she does her business outside?

Oh it went quiet; of course they were talking about giving her a drink? Hahahah.

Well, they still accepted me.

May be as an experiment?

OK, shirts to iron, and I must do that floor again, with the dogs; I can’t risk them getting cut as specially as we won’t know they are bleeding? They don’t cry about it. They just drip blood all over my floors. Our canary, Irish you know? Has gone quiet, few, he has screeched all day.

Later with love. X

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