
Tuesday 9 September 2014


No one will help you but yourself

“What if I can’t find the energy to help myself? What if I don’t want to?””

Then you must ask yourself, so what do you hope to achieve? Where do you want to be in a year from now, a month or a week?

“I don’t care, I’m waiting to die!””

What a waste of a life?

“What life, this is not a life but an existence!””

No, it’s a life you have that so many others don’t have!

“Then let others live and take me?””

It’s not your turn yet, if you go now, you won’t go to the wonderful world waiting for you.

“So tell me what to do? My legs can’t move, my heart is broken, it’s raining all the time there is no sunshine, what is sunshine even? Where do I find the strength?””

The strength is in your future, in your, yes your actions. You have two choices, live for many years in pain, or fight to laugh and be happy. If you can’t see the sun, feel it in your laughter and soul.

Do the latter and in a year from now look back at what you have achieved.

I’m not here to help you just advice you. You are a gift. You are gifted. It’s a fact; no one ever tells the person how good great or loved they are until it’s too late. I’m telling you now, you are unique. You are stronger than you think if you get up and look for life as life won’t look for you. No one will pick you up, you have to walk the golden path way and reach out for answers. Wake up and learn teach yourself how to be happy and give your flourishing body life. Fresh breath into your lungs. Don’t stand for second best. You are better than that. Believe me and trust me. To follow this rule, you will be given a life you will believe in and treasure and live in wonder, rather than wondering all the time what if.


I will tell you the rule. It is simple. It is to push yourself one step at a time and believe these words. The one and only rule is change.

Fiona Cummings

September 2014




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