
Wednesday 17 September 2014

FI'S FUN FACTS (OMG)'ve all heard the adage "you're more likely to get struck by lightning than to win the lottery." Sounds grim. Apparently, it's also more likely that you will die on the way to buying your lottery ticket than actually win the lottery.

Of course this all depends on your mode of transportation to buy the ticket and the characteristics of the area where you buy it and even your demographics. It is true that you are more likely to die in a car accident than win though. The gist is that it's very unlikely that you will win!


When jellyfish are in the water, they can be a bit intimidating. Their tentacles can pack a painful electrical shock. However, once they wash up on shore, they are anything but intimidating.

It turns out that jellyfish are 98% water. Most are transparent and bell-shaped. If they end up on the beach, they will most likely evaporate in a few hours and mostly disappear.

Jellyfish also don’t have brains, bones or a heart. They do have rudimentary sensory nerves though.


If you’re ticklish, you know the automatic laugh response that occurs when you are tickled. This can range from giggling to uncontrollable shrieks of laughter. However, your body is actually responding with panic and anxiety.

This is actually the body’s defense mechanism. It is believed that the response is meant to protect you from dangerous things on your skin, such as poisonous insects. The body needs to react quickly to this unanticipated touch and does so with a panic response


A palindrome is a word, phrase, number or other sequence of elements that has the same meaning read forward or backwards. The word itself comes from the Greek roots palin meaning “again” and dromos meaning “way” or “direction.”

Some examples of a palindrome would be the name “Hannah” or the word “madam.” The word “racecar” is also a palindrome. Forward or back, it still reads the same.



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