
Tuesday 23 September 2014


 Good day Bloggets. Well, I got up early today as my friend said she was posting Hubs  birthday present yesterday, so I expected the post today, only to receive a text from my friend over a glass of cappuccino and a breakfast muffin, well, OK, a cup of tea and a mushroom sandwich, haha, so Cappuccino and muffin sounded more cool, right? I, mean, who has mushroom sandwiches?


The text read that she didn’t get chance to post yesterday so would today. Bless her she has a lot on her plate, I tell you though, she is fully sighted and she is more disabled than us? Her Husband is still in hospital after two weeks, our friend with the heart problems? She is so lost without him. She said to me the other day

“How on earth am I going to get to the hairdressers?”” I told her the same way we do, but she can see, so it would be easier? By bus? You know what her answer was and she has said this before so it was like Deja vou

“Well, it’s more difficult for me, because you are used to not being abled to see!”

Oh right, well, hand over my shoes to someone else again please?

Really what are these people on?

She is fit, she can see perfectly well… My God, did I tell her off… Still love her though, but really, I would love to blind fold or put contact lenses in these people for a full week, just to see what it is really like to be blind. I can’t stand it, lately I have been told that there are people much worse off than blind people, yes, worse off as they are in constant pain, we only hurt when we stub our toes a million times per day, my toe nails are split to the roots, I have a permanent egg on my head and the front of my head is burning as I have bent down twice this week and bashed it on the same place and it feels like it is bleeding inside and I have had a head ache for three days. We bump into things so many times a day we knock things over, for me yesterday teen’s coffee. He was furious and it went everywhere, so a lot of cleaning to be done also spoiled his meal. And we don’t always register it as its normal, we do have moments when we curse our eye condition, when we get red with anger, like when Hub reads our printed letters and it takes ten minutes to read a load of rubbish but we don’t know it’s advertising until it has been scanned, then we have got frustrated. We stress over colours for the washer. Is it wood cleaner or bathroom cleaner? There is a Christmas festival on in a months’ time local, we can’t go to it, no way. This doesn’t hurt our body, but does affect our minds and takes us into a depression. I read yesterday two status’s on Facebook and a group I’m in. One from a blind person saying they were going to drink the acid from batteries to end it and the other saying he was wanting to put a bullet to his head. These are people who have had enough. No, we don’t bloody get used to it. We learn to adapt, but it’s not easy and it’s no fun!


OK rant over. Teen off to college now, photograph gate continues. He promises he will be getting his photograph today. He needs it for his bus pass. He did try to go to our Tesco’s, but this one and the one at college don’t have the machines now, they must have ended that contract and after yesterday’s news, looks like Tesco’s is in trouble big time. I’m not bothered, I hate the place, it’s big and cold and the staff are so miserable and there is too much choice, so you always get lost even with a guide. It’s one of those places where you can’t wait to get out.


Hub at work with his tail between his legs sounds rude not sure where that expression comes from, but means he has been told off. Oh yes, I’m on a flow well, this would be the first birthday he has been home. As he has had a job that took him all over the world in the past. This year was to be normal. Hmm. No. Wrong. He is working on the morning of his birthday. It’s a flipping Saturday too. Oh I am so cross. He said he would change it, I told him not to bother, and I was going out on his birthday. He said he would come home to no one then, I said yep…

I sometimes don’t know why the hell I bother trying to keep up traditions and some kind of family spirit. I really don’t know, this world we are living in now is a cold separate life and it’s horrible. But in our family I think I am the only one who is bothered, so Saturday the 4th of October, a normal day we will have. No English breakfast for the birthday boy like I normally do no party tea and as for the candles? Hmm. I know where I would like to light them. Haha haha.


Sorry ranting again, some nice news, our friends are visiting on Saturday, Hanz and Trix. Looking forward to seeing them. Sadly Like isn’t coming, hope to see him next time. You must all think I have friends with strange names?

Yep, true.


Our canary, he’s Irish you know, is a happy little bird today. Singing so loudly but not screeching today thank God.


Hub has left LC today at home. He said yesterday there were twelve dogs in the office, all in training, so LC apparently was a pain crying all day, same today so she is in her bed bless her. Tomorrow I am out with Arty walking Wagga. It will be as sad as not with my BB. My heart will break and I only hope two things, my friend won’t talk too much about BB as don’t want to get upset, and I won’t forget and ask her what I used to, where is BB?


Hub off to God knows where, I can never remember. But he is staying overnight. He is dreading it, he is the only manager who is blind and they are such a sighted organisation. They have already been told that there are a lot of visual posters and so on at the conference to follow and slide shows. Also they just get up and leave for a break and he is left. Or they mingle. Well again, there is no one more ignorant than sighted people, so would n’t dawn on them to mingle with a blind person… He is to do a speech. He will be mined blowing, he always is. He stuns his colleagues and really stands up for clever blind people, who are thought of as not worth bothering with because of our disability. Funny thing he will be seeing an x boyfriend of mine again, from so many years ago, his name is Allasaurous T Rex. Haha.


What a small world… Sometimes too small for comfort! Other times too big to feel at home!


It’s fish for tea tonight for the boys. Me, those blooming awful vegetarian sausages. They had another kind of fish yesterday, so they will be very very clever this week. They say fish makes or helps your intelligence... I never have eaten it…

“Stop it!”


OK, I have some work to do today. A rather serious speech to write for someone. So I have to go from grumpy Fi, and silly Fi, to sensible Fi and to scratch my brain to search for those big words no one understands, but makes that person sound clever…


Until later take care cos I care.

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