
Wednesday 24 September 2014


Hi Bloggets. Hub off for a couple of days now. Off to a sighted environment for sure. Sadly for him and LC, she has been left behind again. He’s working where it’s not suitable for a guide dog, too much going on and Hub didn’t want to be stressed about her. Well, she had the face on until half an hour ago, Hub text to let me know he has done the two and a half hour train journey and had arrived at his conference. He has a speech to deliver and then after other talks there are activities to do… He has been told there will be slide shows. This should be interesting for him? Not! Also posters to follow. Great for a blind person right? Haha. I’m sure he will be fine, though he was rather anxious. He is so brave it’s a difficult world out there, but I know he will be the diamond and sparkle with his words of wisdom!


The alarm went off at six. It was cold had been raining and the birds were still in bed. He is staying overnight until very late tomorrow. I must say, this job has a lot more overnights than we both hoped for.


Teen at college. Guess what? He got his photographs at last yesterday, so let’s see if he comes home with his pass? He has taken the cheque. You would think we were doing it for us? No thank you’s for the £200 cheques, in fact complained that he had to take it… Well, he wished he had a bus pass last night as he came back from a person he was visiting on his bike, it was pouring with rain. The person he visited though was nice and dry. Had a car too outside her place, but he came back on his bike, I guess so he had it for today?


Oh my Aunt phoned today, she is coming to see us… When?

 At Christmas… Haha. Plenty of warning. She said

“Just wondering when you will all be around, so I can see you all?”


Not till the 22nd of December!”


“Oh, I will have to come the week before. So what day will be best?”


Well, I think Hub will take the Friday off?


OK, I will come on the Tuesday. Hehehe. Bless her. So Christmas in our town with my aunt. A blog or what? Should be fun for sure and a few red faces. It will be a nice atmosphere.


Today I was to take Wagga for a free run with my friend, rained all night so the field is soaked right through. Such a shame. Poor Wagga.


My friend Vivi, who has her Husband in hospital, had a bad fall last night as she walked her dog. She is in one heck of a mood today talking about giving her dog up. I will be surprised if she does as she is so attached to her lovely dog.  Looks like her Hub will be out of hospital on Friday. Gosh, I will be surprised if he is as he still hasn’t put a foot out of bed.


I think she is not encouraging his Return to his home? Really in love they are not. They are like a comedy scene.

I must send a message to my friend Flexi too, not heard from her for ages; she has her new business of Yoga classes. Oh I would love to do Yoga, but as I have said before, I can hardly put my leg in a London cab, let alone around me blooming neck!!!


Should we have a Blogget Yoga class do you think? Haha. Pictures with audio description.



 Oh must go now to see about our blooming gas supplier. Gosh Fifi Blogget knows how to live it up? What a life? Our contract is up for renewal. I am left to sort it out. I haven’t got a clue what the Braille says they sent, mind you, Hub is a Braille expert and neither does he? He says they make it difficult to understand on purpose.


OK, since I started to write this, Teen home, now in bed. I asked him to take one of the dogs out, answer? you guessed it.

He also “Forgot to get his bus pass!” I am so close to ripping the second cheque up and telling him the offer of the money is over. He can pay himself. He is applying for jobs; well the money that would normally be spent on others can go on his bus tickets. £20 per week will eat it up. Really.


I also have been on the phone to our energy supplier. Oh my God, they are awful. It was 40p per minute; I was on fifteen minutes, most waiting. And guess what? Still not sorted. I had to be put through to another apartment and they have a queue for fifteen minutes, another fifteen minutes, so that is £12 to buy their gas and electric.


I feel like going with another company. I really do. In fact, I may just do that. They told me if I go paperless, they would be able to give me £12 per year off my direct debit. I told her it wasn’t accessible to go on line, not for blind people, it’s all for sighted they haven’t bothered to offer word on that, so our software won’t work. So could we still get the money off as not our fault? Haha. She said she would have to put me through to another department. So I had to pay another £12 to get £12 off. Madness.


OK, must dash now but will be back later. X

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