
Wednesday 10 September 2014


Apart from the UK, Ukraine and the US, today’s views have come from Turkey, Netherlands, Norway, Ireland, Poland, Canada and Germany! I will never really understand how this blogger works, but I’m glad it does. Yesterday we had Bloggets from Australia, Philippines, Brazil, France Montenegro, and China Italy

And of course Ukraine, US and UK.

I am so grateful to you all.

Going to do some grocery shopping online soon. I do like to do that, though of course, you don’t get the experience of shopping in the real world, but what is real? This is real to me. I am now shopping on my famous PPod…  It will always be my PPod… It’s so easy. Oh the ordering that is, not the receiving the goods and putting them away. I’m getting better though at guessing what’s what. Hubs rubbing off on me with his knowledge of guessing what is what, but he still wins at the tin game. He made me a chili the other day and if that had been me, we would have had tinned corn open, custard, chicken soup and so on. No, him clever clogs, kidney beans and butter beans...

Tonight’s tea is odd. It’s more like a breakfast… I only have three eggs left, teen is into baking cakes, small buns so our eggs are disappearing quickly. We don’t have potatoes left, yes, I should have gone to the shop today to buy them, but I have to go there tomorrow so why have stress two days in a row? So three eggs, a tiny cheese and mushroom omelette for boys, bacon and sausages. For me? Again, not sure, I have put weight on this week and I’m not happy about that. I don’t know why this is but I think its grief. Normal people lose weight, me, I put it on for them.


Hub has been trying to get me to download Spotify on my IPod AKA IPod. Last night I did. I love ITunes, but I’m spending so much on there per month and it’s so easy on the pod, not on the lap top for Blind people, but the IPod ap is great. So Spotify is one payment and as much music as you want. Hmm. How did I find it? Well, new language to learn, I don’t know, but why can’t these techno’s talk sense? Some of the words they use just don’t make sense at all. As for the music? I hadn’t even heard of half of it. So I went into what I thought sounded so cool. That was Mood music. So you can have sleep music, excersise music. “Don’t think I will be using that much” dinner music and BBQ music? Oh the list goes on. Like everything in our world, too much choice. Hub loves this but me? Having said that, I’m always the last one to “Get wiv it!”

I still remember LP’s all that vynal. Something huge you could hold and know you have a real gift. I will always remember when I was little, yes, I was once…. My brother took me to see Greece the movie. Oh I loved it so much then for Christmas, I received the album. All those amazing photographs on the sleeve cover, from my fantastic film. The colours and so on, now? You have a screen. If you think about how technology has changed over the years, and I’m talking about 35, so not that long, it’s amazing. Now let science catch up please?

Reading some articles on science today these are some of the headlines.

   Lab mice have had their emotional memories of places manipulated.

“Poor things and how on earth do the scientists know what mice are thinking?

Scientists have demonstrated that gut bacteria could help stop food allergies.


Scientists are developing a spray-on 'skin' that could allow planes to 'feel' when they are damaged.

“What next, will the planes say Ouch?”

Engineers have developed a camouflage sheet that changes its colour to match its background.

“OK, great for those nasty looking garden sheds I guess?”

Patients with Ebola will be given a drug that hasn't yet been safety tested.

“OK, funny how people have been dying for years because they can’t get treatments as not been tested yet, but now for Ebola, suddenly it’s OK? Hmm. My suspicions are building with regards to Ebola!”

 Scientists have created self-folding robots inspired by origami.

“Why? To put away in a cupboard I guess?”

Driverless cars will be allowed on public UK roads by 2015.

“I will believe that when I get knocked over by one…”

Today's teenagers are less likely to drink, smoke or take drugs than their counterparts ten years ago.

“Em, not sure, for smoking, yes, but drinking and drugs? No, rubbish.”

The UN has issued licences for new undersea mining.

“We really are a greedy world/race. What is left to rob?”

A study suggests early risers are less honest at night.

“That explains why our MP’s can be seen early dawn?

The first satellite made in Scotland has been successfully launched into orbit.

“Pity Alex Salmon wasn’t attached to it

A study of 100,000 people's DNA could revolutionise medicine.

“Well guys, that’s very nice but I gave blood last week and I am told before the next stage, they need fifteen million pounds?

A 'finger robot' has been developed.

“On that note, I’m off!”

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