
Monday 2 June 2014


The word Angel means messenger. Saints I have heard can also be angels, but I think Saints should be real people who have died. At the end of the day, who really knows? Only angels!


My friend Daniel, who is the oracle of life and beyond, told me that there is a passage from the bible which quotes. “When the Sons of God went unto the daughters of men and they bore children to them.”

He says some, have suggested that they have had sexual affairs with mortal women.

    Well I know everyone already thinks I am a screw short of a tool box, and my Hub begs me not to tell this story but I do and I don’t care what people say, but my baby I believe came from angels, even though of late, the angels have been battling with the devil.


I pray that the angels around my Son and me protect him and guide him in the right direction. I have this very strong belief but I also have a brain that tells me not to be so silly, that angels are busy. Why would they help a person like me? I mean, here I am in a comfortable house, husband has a job, Son has his health, how dare I ask for more? So when I pray to the angels, I am riddled with guilt, but desperate moments are upon us right now.


My brain is also telling me or should I say asking me. “If there is such a thing as angels, why have they not become more clearly to us? I mean, I want to believe in them, but I have not had100 % proof as yet, though a couple of weeks ago, I had the most evidence to date for me personally, that they do exist. I have written before about my experience with something standing so very tall on a bright summer’s morning at the bottom of my bed. It was when I could see. All the outside sounds faded and this seven foot figure stood before me. Its wings spread out about six foot and he, and I say he, as that was the feeling I got, and it was a feeling like I have not had before this moment, had long silver hair and no features, and though I know had a kind face.

I won’t bore you with what happened as I did blog it some time ago, but again, I saw this, and again, my brain told me I imagined it.


Though the more I say this, the more I disbelieve it. Too much happened that day for it to be in my imagination.


So I have a feeling that this week is crucial. I can only ask so much and I’m begging every day for a certain thing to happen. Now then, if it does, I will know for sure that angels do exist as the thing I am asking for is impossible. It just won’t happen. Unless my angels help out. And who are my angels? Am I being greedy? Should I only have one? But if every one person had one angel, there would be too many, right? I think there must only be a few of them and they just work so very hard. And why do they work for us? Or are they working for our maker? Hmm. So many questions that we will never know the answers, an yet this subject really fascinates me and so many others.


Like my friend Daniel, we both wonder where the angels got their names from, like Gabriel. As far as my friend tells me, their names are not all in the bible.


Are angels another race? I believe so. They come from another planet I’m certain.

They have wings so they can fly. As for their long white gowns/dresses? Are they clothes or just rocket shapes and the white are the lights? As my faithful regular Bloggets will know, I believe we come from another planet so this will relate to this theory.


I love angels. I love their meaning and position in our lives. Some say angels come in different forms. Perhaps they do, but for me my angel has yet to introduce itself to me. I have had feelings of angels around me in forms of lights, feelings and fragrances, but no one has said. “Hi I’m your angel. Oh wouldn’t’ it be wonderful if that were to happen? Having said that, I think sitting on my own right now and one came to me, I would be saying Hi to my neighbours. I am not sure I could stay in an empty house with one? Being flippant now, that is not really funny as I really am serious about wishing I had an angel, when I did have that sighting the years when my sight was OK, For some odd reason, I was not at all afraid. I remember feeling so very calm about it all. My heart felt out of pain for the first time in my life. I wanted to go with the being at the bottom of my bed, but they told me in a whisper of a silent voice, to stay. I had to stay.


So now dear angel, please come and hear what I really need your help with right now? Please?

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