
Thursday 29 December 2016


Good afternoon Bloggets. A few days now of this cold, I’m ready to say adios Amigo! My eyes are on fire. I fell asleep right away last night but a news flash on my phone woke me to tell me about the latest sad death of another star. After then I was wide awake. I stayed awake until my Son got up for work at six. Then had about one hour or so of interrupted sleep. Just going to have a lazy day today. Trying to get Hub to make dinner tonight. He makes the best risotto so fingers crossed. I hope I don’t pass this on to the family?

Almost at the end now of this year which to most hasn’t been a positive one. For me personally it’s been Okay. Sorted out rubbish in life and left with the cream. Now I just need to learn how to enjoy the topping without putting on weight. Smile.

What is predicted for 2017? Putin and the sign of the bear is predominant as he is seen to have plans to rule the world. Personally, I feel it’s China we need to keep an eye on. They have patients and they believe in waiting and watching then calmly walking in and taking over. With the UK leaving Europe, we will see a bit of a bumpy road where those who live for jam today and not jam tomorrow, will get angry and wish we had never left Europe, but take a leaf out of the Chinese book and just wait. Sit back, reduce if necessary and stay calm. The rest of Europe will follow and each country will care for themselves and keep their noses out of other countries that have nothing to do with them, then hopefully, we will have the start of world peace. Right now, too many fingers in too many pies.

As far as America goes with Trump? I think he will plant seeds and let the flowers grow. America will see small groups of people/communities pulling together and it will send a vibe across the world of post war.

New life is germinating we have outgrown the old life, the life we have known for years. Let’s face it, where has that life taken us? No one likes change. One can get rather comfortable in one’s hole. Time to find the sun and climb out of your hole and see the new world that will start in 2017. Walk with care over the undulating paths and you will eventually get to the flat roads.

So, what are the medical innovations for next year? I read there will be good news and breakthroughs for those with Diabetes. Tumour cells, are going to be blasted again with new medical science. Stents for hearts are going to be dissolvable rather than stay in the body and cause complications. As for breakthroughs for sight loss or to gain sight? I don’t think we will see a cure this year, but I feel we will get closer by the end of the year, there will be some good news. These are my opinions from just how I feel what I feel and research I have been reading about over the past few months. I hope your year will start positive and positivity breads an energy which passes through the solar system, lifting the beings which are humans.

So, what is predicted for 2017? A catastrophic drought starting in America and travelling all over the world.

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