
Wednesday 28 December 2016


Good evening Bloggets. I hope you all feel better than me? My Brothers gift of a cold has left me feeling awful and looking very unattractive. My Son told me I look as if I have been smoking dope! Nice! Because my eyes are so red. Where they should be white. I don’t think I have any skin on my nose I’m sneezing all of the time and I feel so weak. My eyes are always the worst when I have a cold. They are on fire. When I could see, my sight was always affected when I had a cold. When I went to Russia for eye treatment many years ago, they used to stop my treatment as soon as I showed signs of a cold coming on. At first as a small child, I used to pray I would catch a cold and as a child the damp dormitories at boarding school used to guarantee that I would be prone to being ill.

The injections I used to have, were so very painful. I have written before that each needle in my bottom was as if I were smoking it was like a thick heavy smoke poisoning my body. I could physically feel it being pushed right through me making my stomach feel as if I was being forced to smoke 20 King-size cigarettes. Then I would get dreadful car sickness, that is the only way I can describe the feelings of the side effects. Not to talk about the pain I felt whilst the needles so rusty were given to me and the pain afterwards as lumps would appear on my body. Really sore ones hot and infected. So, the thought of a cold to give myself a few days’ break was rather tempting. But as I got older, I learned that I was only prolonging the inevitable. I had to have the treatment, so get it over with.

When I had to have eye injections, that was the worst my eyes would be all blood shot. The needles were boiled but not sharp fresh. They in fact were blunt. Making the pain worse.

Let’s hope there is a cure for RP soon and it won’t involve horrid painful treatment? Mind you, I would have it if it meant I would have sight.

Last night Hub and I watched a program where a group of elderly famous people from the UK went abroad to see if life on the other side of the grass would be better than here. I don’t like the lifestyle our elderly people have here. Last year the program showed the people living in India, in luxury and it was lovely, but this year it’s America. Gosh, Hub and I were ready to retire, twenty years too early, but the life was so perfect in a gated area. Mixing with wonderful friendly normal American people. Then they went to another place, a gated area where the houses were millions. And it was millions to live there. Oh, my word? Why is it that money makes people awful?

The first place the group went to was so nice people were wanting to talk mix share their sugar as the group ran out of it and they were so kind and the atmosphere was so relaxing. Gosh the money place, they were angry people and if they went too close to a fire, they would all melt. Not only were their faces plastic, but their plastic paid for their plastic lifestyle. There wasn’t one genuine bone in that community. Such a shame. Even if I became a millionaire, I would pick the place that was under $200,000 for a house. People were like the guys we met when we went to the US, friendly genuine and so loving. Gosh the rich people? Mind you it’s the same in this country. Money doesn’t buy kind hearts.

Today our family came. I had made a turkey broth and put some bread rolls in the oven with cups of tea and cakes. Mince pies too so a simple meal but our Brother loved it bless him. We had a laugh and it was a memory for my box of happy times.

I have been asked to find a link to the clothing line I wrote about yesterday, this is what I have been Able to find.

I read some funny things today about kids. We never really grow up. We only learn how to act in public.
Kids, you as parents spend the first two years teaching them how to walk and talk then the next 14, telling them to sit down and shut up.
The teacher asked Simon to say his name backward, he replied. No mis
Okay, sorry, It’s me cold. Smile.
Right now Hub and Teen are doing something with Teens car and they have left our front door open. Don’t they know it’s December? Going to close it now so will love and leave. Xx

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