
Tuesday 6 December 2016


On this snowy Sabbath I put pen to paper and let the thoughts pour out. 1/26/97
Quiet Sabbath hushed by snow
Sammy slumbers atop Mike's desk
Skies dove gray with landscape white
Call all creatures to grace filled rest.
Bare limbs shiver and dry leaves rattle
Warmth of wood fire heats our home
Evergreens drooping as if laden with sugar
Patiently standing without complaint or moan.
Crawl you now beneath quilted blankets
Sink down deep in pillows soft
Close your eyes and dream of Springtime
Let your visions soar aloft.
Up where skies are blue as cornflowers
Ride on plump white cotton clouds
Breathe in air perfumed with violets
Warm in sun and sing aloud.
Quiet Sabbath, hushed by wonder
Jesus died to set your free
Oh, the joy of resting Sabbath
"Come apart and learn of Me."
Sabbath means to cease from labor
Soul at rest, let go----released
Leaning on the grace of Jesus
Filling all with perfect peace.
Breathe it in--the Sabbath Spirit
Deep within--let it touch your heart
Untying every knot and tangle
As silently it's strength imparts.
Don't encase it with rules and ritual,
Call on Him, who is your Guide,
By quiet waters and green pastures
You'll find companionship at His side.
There may be times of all out laughter
Other times for cleansing tears
But all in all with each unfolding
Love grows deeper through the years.
Come aside and learn of Jesus
Your soul resting, hushed and still
Time with Him is ever joyous
As gently He, Himself reveals.
Sabbath was made for man's refreshing
Time to stand back from clatter and strife
Time to draw close to our God and our Maker
And be refilled with His power and life.
Thank You, Lord, for Sabbath resting
Thank You for this wondrous gift
Worshiping You in grace filled abandon
With hearts and voices in praises lift.

© Mary Ellen Wright 1997

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