
Sunday 4 December 2016


I don’t see the lights like you can
Or respond to shake a well wishers hand
The stars at night are no longer bright
Because I have lost my sight
I can’t see my babies face
Or the white lace
On my daughter’s dress
Her special day
Her beautiful cake
So, I’m told
A card with writing so bold
No good to me
Because I can’t see
But then I get one through my door
I pick it up from the floor
Someone has had the heart to write in Braille
Because they know my eyes have failed
Another person has sent a tactile one with a tree
Because they took the time to think I can’t see
I can’t go shopping like I used to
But here is what I can, do
I can cook
Don’t need to look
I learned how but it’s so difficult
Chopping food, I do cut
Ironing clothes I burn
But I will learn
Just how it’s done
From other blind folk
When I went, blind I thought I was going to choke
A vision of smoke
Followed by dark brown
Then grey and burgundy
Then I told myself words I never thought I would hear
I can no longer see
I lived years in fear
But now I have Christmas cheer
No I don’t have anyone to help me to shop
Some days I feel like falling
As if to drop
But then I pick myself up
As I can hear
Walk and love
And I know I will be guided by whoever is above
A God I blamed for so many years
For filling my painful life with yet more tears
But he showed me a life as a new wife
That I could have and with sight
This wouldn’t be my plight
So I won’t give up the fight
My darkness isn’t only at night
But day too
I don’t see skies of blue
And sun of yellow
But I feel loved and wanted
Something I never had from most, when sighted
So if you are facing blindness
There are people out there who will show you kindness
Don’t feel alone
Pick up the phone
Out of every fifty calls
There will be one earth angel who will show you the way
And one day
You will be like me
Telling others what it’s like not to see
But sometimes there is no one more blind
Than sighted who are unkind
And those of us who can’t see
Respect what is meant to be
We have time and care
And want to share
And I believe
Though now you may grieve
Someone somewhere is out there
Who is feeling just like you
These words are so true
Trust me please
You may be on your knees now
But you will climb up there again
To the highest mountain
I will show you how

© Fiona Cummings

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