
Friday 5 August 2016


My kitchen is clean. All done. Well, em, no. Not quite. I opened the washing machine door to pop a T/towel in and whoosh.

Yep. Whoosh!


Someone, could have been me. Someone, must have by accident pressed the washing machine button it came on, someone, might have been me… Someone, didn’t turn it off fast enough and it has filled up with water. Well it was full. Not anymore. So someone, yes, someone, has to know start to clean the floor. Guess that’ll be me!


To say I’m cheesed off is an understatement. Just as I got the house clean, we have water flowing through our kitchen. Right in the middle of cooking dinner. I am not even going to eat tonight; I so can’t be bothered. Teen did empty the dish washer and even half-filled it again, so I just had to finished half filling it, clean the work tops lifting everything up and cleaning under things drying it all and putting things away things that has accumulated over the past few days. I vacuumed the floors, dusted emptied the bins, did the downstairs toilet then dusted the conservatory as well as washed the outside windows at the back and tidied our bedroom then put away some clothes that were ironed yesterday and made dinner. Exhausted dot blooming com.


Did I get around to telling you that the piano tuner didn’t come last week? Oh yes, a tradesman didn’t come, what a surprise. Well he said he would come tomorrow, so now must dash upstairs and see if I have any money in my purse if not it’s the shop for Waggs and myself. By the way, again, as I went this morning already, but forgot about tomorrow. Let’s hope he, doesn’t?


Hub was going to work from home tomorrow, now he has to go in. So it’s me and the piano tuner, mind you, last week if he had come, hub was in his office not to be seen, smile.


Hub is playing piano for church on Sunday so no doubt after tomorrow, his practice will make perfect.


I could just go on a holiday right now; how wonderful it would be if we owned a holiday home? Like a log cabin? Oh with a rap around balcony and a hot tub in a forest? A girl can dream, can’t she? But Saturday we are seeing our besties and on Sunday my family are coming, and then the week starts again… But in the meanwhile, a lot of smiles for sure.


Earlier I heard myself talking to teen and made myself laugh with my dry tone. It’s like this kind of thing happens and I now just except it. As a crash bang and a whollip happened, silence then I turned to teen and said.

“It’s kind of a good idea if I open the door, before trying to walk through it?”


Hubs posh coffee machine has broken. He bought it before I met him it’s about ten years old but it was almost a thousand pounds at the time. I think it’s under that now, but it was his pride and joy, so now what?


 A lovely colleague of my Hub and my friend too, said she would perhaps go with him to a shop near the office in their lunch break. That would be great, Hub said we can’t afford that much money now, but I have been saving 20p and £2 coins for ages…. I have seventy saved. Haha.


A new ap well, new to me I have on my IPhone called Money Reader. Now I know you all probably have this, and I know that I am five years behind the time, just for those few left who are debating on whether or not to go for the IPhone, if you are a V.I.P, it’s fab. The   money reader is so fast, gosh before I used tap tap see which is the application you can download free and learn whether or not you are about to use shampoo or floor cleaner and it tells you what colour something is, also told me how much money I had as far as notes in my hand, but what a while that took, though it’s free and as I said, does tell you other things that money reader obviously doesn’t. But to learn of one note took fifteen seconds plus whereas money reader, gosh less than a second. Just open money reader, put the camera above the note and it tells you all currencies. Another application my friend has just told me is sounding rather exciting, and I think that is new, I shall tell you about that in my next blog as I have to learn a bit more about it but what she says it sounds just what Hub and I have been waiting for, for ages.


Hub Teen and myself are in for a cosy night tonight, we are going to watch a movie we have all seen before but many many years ago. It’s a classic. Called “The Help” I love that film. It’s been so long since we saw it, we all would like a re fresher  update.


I will be back later remind me about the new application please, won’t you? X

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