
Sunday 14 August 2016


Good evening Bloggets. It’s half ten in a humid evening of this part of England. Our television is simply awful. If you don’t like or don’t love I should say the Olympics, you are stuffed for entertainment on the goggle box. Seriously, all night then what makes me mad, the news comes on and the headlines are eaten up by Olympics again. What happened to sport being at the end of the news?


Don’t get me wrong, I’m so proud of little England Team Great Britain have done exceptionally well and to me that is because of the restrictions using drugs. It’s more fair than it ever has been. One thing I can’t stand. Golf. Now, Hub loves sport. So he listens to every part of it. Even the gymnastics, which I just don’t get if you are a man why? I know my friend will put me down verbally because he is very into gymnastics as is his Son, but sorry, I just don’t get it and as for blooming golf? It’s been one hundred and twelve years since golf was featured in the Olympics Bloggets.



There’s a reason for that? Golf, in the Olympics? What next, chess? Is this when you all shout chess is an Olympic sport and I just haven’t seen it? Haha. Fishing, now don’t tell me that is a featured sport in the Olympics?


Also during the night, I get notifications to say who has won gold, first thing in the morning before work, Hub is informing me who has won what. All day and night, please tell me, when do they sleep?


Teen told me he was off locally for a walk along the river with his friend. Two hours later, he informs me he is at a cove. O.


At least he lets me know, but his petrol consumption will be high this week as yesterday he met another friend about thirty miles away from here. Where? Wait for this one?

In a cave.

My Son loves his scenery. Even if the only light is the stars and moonlight.

Well, not last night, I guess his mobile phone torch would be his only light as the walls of a cave would blanket him!


He met with a lovely lad he used to work with when he was supervisor. They met half way as he lives a long way from here. He was telling Teen that he has a new job working as a salesman in a car garage. He does seventy hours per week. His pay is rubbish until he is fully trained too. But he gets a car. That is far too long though for anyone to work, right? I know my Husband at his last job used to work up to sixty hours per week. As well as flying all over the world.


I have not long come in from the gym. Hub is still in there. I left him. Twenty two minutes for me… About forty for Hub right now.


I cut myself before as I was chopping. No. Not wood, smile, but celery. Oh I do live a dangerous life?

I put a plaster on my finger and Little Fella keeps trying to gently bite it. Why? Not sure. Oh he was so cute before. I had a cushion on my knee and he put his two paws on me and lay sideways with his stunning head on the cushion and almost was falling asleep before Hub clocked the fact LF was almost on the forbidden knee. Almost got away with a cuddle on the couch.


Well, it’s Monday again tomorrow. I hope I learn about whether or not I have an interview? If I don’t hear tomorrow, I will be sure that I have not been successful. Oh well, never mind. I guess it was worth a try? Bless you are writing asking me if I get the job, haha, such a chance but bless you all, will I still have time to write and chat to you all? Yep, with a capital Y. Writing is my life. And my Bloggets are my family.


Until tomorrow with these words I shall leave you.

“When your back is to the wall and you are facing  fear head on, the only way is forward and through it.” Stephen Richards




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