
Tuesday 9 August 2016


Good day Bloggets. I didn’t expect this day to turn out the way in which it has… Last night Hub went to bed feeling ill with his nerve pains which start from his eyes and almost paralyse his face. He is in constant pain, but deals with it though there are the odd days when it just hits him really badly. Normally brought on by stress and apart from a phone call he had to make yesterday, he said he isn’t under any stress. As for the phone call? Oh it’s a ridiculous situation that I hope will be totally resolved in the near future, but something that has hounded him for some years now.


He fell asleep quite quickly especially as Teen had his friend around mind you, they were as quiet as sleeping mice, so how could I ever complain bless them.


This morning hub told me through a very painful expression, that no way he could go into work today. He said the pain was so bad, he couldn’t even think and it also effects his speech bless him. So Fifi is nurse maid today. I took him a cup of tea and a slice of toast he didn’t want anything but I told him to take it as he is taking tablets that are meant to be with food.


As for Boy Wonder, he got up early at nine I was surprised as didn’t take his friend home until three this morning. He said he was going out then for lunch. Where? Not sure. He has work later on though. Then a meeting tonight with a lady and I fear that outcome. Though Teen has faith. More on that later.


It’s sunny today but drizzly. Slightly breezy but nothing like it has been for the past two days. It’s been wild.


I did a short session on the treadmill last night, though now I could be on there for about forty minutes, I get so bored, even though I take music with mi. am getting really wiv it, smile, I can now create play lists.

OK, it’s took me years, and what only a few months ago baffled me with science, now is a piece of cake. An expression that means easy.


So, I hear you yelling at your devices. “Fiona, where does this idiom come from?

OK, maybe not, but I shall try to inform you anyway, but don’t take what I’m saying to heart it’s only what I have read.


The origin seems to come from the 1870’s  when it was tradition to give cakes as prizes in competitions. In parts of the USA   slaves would participate in cake walks. Couples would perform a dance mocking their mannerisms of their masters. The most graceful couple would receive a cake.

Oh I have some very exciting news to tell you later, I have just heard it, I’m so happy and proud and grateful. Will dash for now want to learn more but I will be back soon enough to tell you. Xxx


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