
Friday 2 October 2015


Hi dear Bloggets. Well I woke up today after the worst nightmare I have had in a very long time. My Suki was still alive. Someone had stolen her and I was out walking with Wagga and again, someone came to unhook her leash from her collar and was about to take her. I knew that was what happened to Suki so I was ready for them. It was a long and painful dream. I woke up sure she wasn’t dead but had been stolen. I jumped out of bed and was in a right state.


I remember when my Dad died, it was the same. I didn’t believe he had gone. I thought they were experimenting on him. I believed that for almost a year. When my Mum died a few months later, after dad, I believed she had gone because I saw her, or felt her. But didn’t with my Dad. It was only two weeks after I had gone blind and my Son was one so it was a difficult time for me. But I kept having dreams that he was still alive and when I woke up, I wanted to get help so badly to try to find him. I hope this isn’t going to be a recurring nightmare. Please no?


Anyway, feeling flat inside so flat, my neighbour Di text me yesterday to ask if I wanted to go for coffee. So I did and we had a nice chat. I’m back now, my boy made me proud today he has been to learn about his job and he is doing so well there. How long he will stand the travel for is another matter.


I’m going to spend a lot of Wagga time this weekend to try to get her out of her sadness. I play with her toys in the garden, but it’s as though she is just going through the motions.


When I went for coffee with Di, I bought some wrapping paper and it was three for two. So I got dark blue with silver stripes and the other two rolls were blue with silver stars. I thought they will do for Christmas.  So there I am in the shop thinking, now, how will I know the difference between the rolls? So I tore the salophen so I knew. Now, where is the sticky tape? I don’t care and neither will Hub if it says fragile on it or if it is golden. I just want to give him a nice day.


Tomorrow will be the second Saturday where we haven’t gone to the town; I wonder how many it will be before we get a new Guide dog. I know people have been waiting forever for one; it’s so bad that there is a waiting list, but it boils down to money.  Like everything.


What do you all have planned for this weekend? Whatever it is, I hope you enjoy yourselves. We have had a few new countries this week reading our blogs. I keep thinking that we have reached as far as we ever will but, no, you keep surprising me. To the blog stats, there is a slight change. I will publish them later. I may not put them on my groups online, but if you are interested, they will be on my blog page at


Thank you for your beautiful messages this week again. You are all so very kind and supportive. I can’t wait to write about our next adventures with Hubs new dog, who knows if it will be soon or not, but lets hope not. He so badly needs one for work too when he is away. Gosh if we get one, I wonder what its nick name will be?


OK going now, teen just coming in. and I need to make dinner. So until later my Bloggets, I hope the sun shines in your heart.

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