
Wednesday 30 September 2015


Good evening Bloggets. How are we all tonight? Today, whatever time it is in your part of the world, or in my case whatever part of the galaxies you are all in?


Today was a great day. My besties came to visit. Hub was at work and I had a lovely day out, as my friends said, girls on tour.


Dear Hanz drove Trix and myself to a shopping centre for me to buy Hubs birthday presents.


Well. We were on a mission. Hub said he wanted a belt. I tell you, how boring are our designers? Plain plain plain.


When you can’t see you like texture or some kind of tactile pattern. They were as dull as dish water.


We were looking for one particular kind of shop. Well, could we find it? No we couldn’t we were on a wild goose chase.


Poor Hanz, the only sighted one among us two blindies, one of us on each arm. Smile. Said she couldn’t find this shop. I was positive it was there as I went with Geordie earlier in the year and at Christmas, I went with Di.


Anyway, we found it at last and it was really funny. At the end where we were, the staff in the shop were all so lovely normal and broad accent. The people shopping were really normal people.

 When we found out where we had to go to find the other shop, the posh one, oh, what a difference?


The clientele and shop assistance were so flipping howti totie!


Well it was there we decided a lunch break was called for as we had been on a hike for a while looking for this blooming shop.


Let’s just say I think collectively, we entertained the other members of public in this place of eatery.


Well. Along with their poshness and I don’t care if there is no such word as poshness, they had the personalities of a nat.


Trix and I were just chatting and laughing. And of course we can’t see who is looking at us, so we don’t care. Poor Hanz was probably cringing as she is only 22, so has an image to live up to smile.


Our baby girl did laugh a lot though, hopefully with us, not at us? Hahahahaha.


All in all it was lovely. Time flew. So different to being in the house.


Our friends are adorable and we are so close to them, but sadly like all of my friends I don’t see enough of them. I think my friends like us, or should I say  me in small doses. Haha. Gosh, I’m laughing, actually I’m not joking….. Well I don’t get out much. So when I do I love to talk and talktalktalk and talk.


, Came home Hub was in from work and we chatted more for another couple of hours. Hopefully it’s not long before I see them again, and more lovely hours can be spent.


Hub in bath now and Teen watching TV. And I have to check my mail then time to chill. Not as in sit next to the freezer with the door opened. But chill with a cupper and telly.


Lots of writing for me tomorrow and must do those interviews. Write up my diary for work done and to do.


And a proper dinner tomorrow as today I have been free of my duties of a housewife so my boys ate rubbish for dinner.


Before I go. Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.

Soren Kierkegaard

And a quote I love.

Henry David Thoreau

“Well in my case, that would be a piggin miracle.

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