
Tuesday 15 September 2015


Good day my dear faithful Bloggets. Well in our winter wonderland of the UK I have my heating on. I went out before and guess who was driving around the corner? Hub and his colleagues. That would have been fine, though the car didn’t stop; I only knew it was them because Hub told me. Well, again, all fine, until my Son just told me bear in mind that I have been out, OK? I am wearing purple jeans. That’s Okay, but I thought they were navy. again, purple is nice. But with a red jumper? I could die with embarrassment I’m mortified. My friends will laugh as they know how obsessed I am with colour. Oh I’m like one of those ladies in the red hat brigade. Who grows up shamefully wearing red and purple together?


Talking of shamefulness. A photograph today was being put about the press of ten female soldier’s  standing in a line breast feeding. It is disgusting. Why do women feel the need to do that? OK some feminists say why  should we be ashamed of breast feeding. No you shouldn’t but try to have some dignity please? You know, women have been breast feeding for ever. It’s nothing new or nothing to boast about.


Well Hubs home and seems to have had a great time. He certainly hasn’t been doing it for the vegetarians. He was on a farm and ate their own meat. And you should hear what he had to eat? All I’m saying is, I made a gigantic salad for dinner and put it in front of him. Hahaha. “Get that down your meaty neck.”


The fun things he has done is driven a tractor. They worked with sheep and cows too. And had a few competitions. The really really spooky thing is the place he stayed, our Son and my ex stayed there for a holiday many years ago. I have fond memories of that place. The first night there, the lady met us and told me now, bear in mind, all three of us at the time were vegetarians,

“I can get you some beef if you wish?”

I’m thinking, why does she want us to have beef, and why only beef? Haha haha. Ok, we were on a farm. I didn’t know that that is what they call poor cows?


Anyway, going to close for now, tomorrow I promise lots to chat about well, I pray I will, right now I’m not too sure if we will be spending time at the vets. Our LC looks really really ill. I must say, I am extremely worried. Hub thinks she has eaten something outside. I don’t know, but she is just lying there we keep checking her pulse and she is eating, but I wouldn’t say she is keen to do so.  Even when Hub came in and teen later on LC didn’t move or bark as normal. Oh please, let her be OK? She was fine this morning. Oh, remind me tomorrow to tell you about the lecture I had last night? Smile. Later gators.

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