
Saturday 9 May 2015


Today was the day I had to go into our town. Well the rain was bucketing down. It was raining cats and dogs.  What an expression? We also say it’s raining pitchforks. But that’s not as popular also we have been known in the UK to say when it’s raining, “stair-rods”


The writer Swift wrote a poem in I think around 1710, called (City shower) which described floods that occurred after heavy rains. The floods left dead animals in the streets.


Now in contiguous Drops the Flood comes down, Threat'ning with Deluge this devoted Town

Now from all Parts the swelling Kennels flow, And bear their Trophies with them as they go: Filth of all Hues and Odours seem to tell What Street they sail'd from, by their Sight and Smell. They, as each Torrent drives, with rapid Force, From Smithfield or St. Pulchre's shape their Course, And in huge Confluent join'd at Snow-Hill Ridge, Fall from the Conduit, prone to Holbourn-Bridge. Sweeping from Butchers Stalls, Dung, Guts, and Blood, Drown'd Puppies, stinking Sprats, all drench'd in Mud, Dead Cats and Turnip-Tops come tumbling down the Flood.

That described the streets of London, in those days after a heavy shower.


Etymologists have suggested a variety of mythological and literal explanations for why people say (It’s raining cats and dogs)  


Odin, the Norse God of storms, who was pictured with dogs and wolves  which were symbols of wind and witches who used to fly on brooms, depicting black cats, hence the saying “It’s raining cats and dogs.” Also, catadupe was an old English word which is now obsolete. The word means waterfall, or I should say meant.

So although there is no definitive origin, it is a likely derivation.  


Whatever it was today, it was for sure raining heavy drops of water.


Oh I went for my hair cut. I was given a real treat, it’s quite noisy in there, but I said yes to the girl, Goodness knows what she said but sounded like I should say yes? Hahaha. Next thing I know, I’m almost floating. I was on a massage chair. Legs up flat out and suddenly the work began. Oh I want one? Please? If Santa is reading this? I know it will be a challenge putting that on the back of Rudolph’s sleigh, but I won’t have any sweeties to make up for it and those who know me well, will know I lov’o’ov me jelly beans. Hahehehehe.

But I will sacrifice those for my massage chair. And I will be a good girl. Promise.


Oh then I heard the words I really don’t like. “Would you like to sit up now?” I mean, what kind of question is that? What did she want me to say? Yes sure of course. Or, my real answer of no I shall just stay here all afternoon. Oh I loved it so much. Apparently they have had those chairs for years but I have never obviously seen them but now I know they are there, they only have two, and I will be bagging those. Bagging as in tagging? As in well, what, putting my name against them for my next visit. I had my normal fraction of a trim. My hair dresser straightened it too. Oh I love that place it is my one treat I truly look forward to. My guilty pleasure. It’s guilty because its deer expensive but last time I got my hair cut, it was five months ago. So I really didn’t feel bad today. I love the shampoos they use. To buy them they are extortionate. But it’s because they have the name Toni & Guy.


Hub had been a busy bee buying food from the bakery and nut centre. Oh he has come back with so many treats all healthy. He has his little tubs full of treats packed with goodness. Nuts, coconut flakes, banana flakes, almonds, dried pineapple, prunes, tropical mix and so on. He can’t eat the banana things, as he is allergic, but there must be eight boxes of foods. Spices and cereals too. Our LC loves that shop. She almost drags Hub in there we think it’s the smell? As it’s like an old fashioned shop with tubs of delights.     


I went to do business at the bank, then our soap shop. Pity, that place is getting too expensive. Something I buy my friend for her birthday every year has gone up £1.50, since last year.

 Then Hub and I met up and off we went to catch our bus.


Well, there were loads of people there so LC walked past where we need to be, not like her but with the amazing LC and Hub, what a team, we found our bus and on we got. Oh it was packed. It’s a nightmare to find a seat but we did and this time together. Then this old lady not far from us, who was having a smokers cough, phlegm and all, Yack double yack, asked Hub to put out his hand? Hahhehehahhahah. OMG? Why? What for? Well, next thing I hear Hub saying is thank you and tells the lady he will keep it for when he is thirsty in the town. So did she give him juice? Pop? Surely not a cup of tea? Well, I wouldn’t put anything past some people, but bless her. So I whispered to Hub, what was it? He said don’t ask? Oh heck? Not good enough? What is it? SO he whispers back, sweets, two sweets. Well, I asked the next obvious question. “Why did you tell the lady you would have it when you are thirsty?” His answer? “I didn’t know what else to say.


Hehe oh heheheh  what a dope? She will be thinking, oh, bless him, he’s blind; he must think sweets are drinks. Hhahahahahaha. Anyway, God love her but we won’t be eating the sweeties. I mean, my Mum used to tell me not to eat sweeties from strangers….. As I said before, I’m a good girl me!


OK, must go for now, as boy wonder text from work asking if I could prepare him some lunch and quickly as he is on a very short break. So off to do that now. Home made chicken soup for dinner tonight. Until later with love. X

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