
Saturday 2 May 2015


 Here in our conservatory with sun beaming in through the windows which I can tell you are firmly closed, as the sun has his cheeky deceiving hat on today and it’s not really hot out there.


Hub listening to the football on the radio and I can tell you, our team are not doing well at all. Three nil so far. Newcastle was some years ago, many I may add, a team to be proud of. But greed has got between the players and owner.


Teen at work. Saw it for twenty minutes today and wow, I can tell you he leaves so unhappy when he is about to see it. It’s so sad to see him like that. Just wish prayers would work so that he could get a life.


I hope he gets his bike back from work today? They still have it after the charity ride last week.  Why? Long story.


He is doing really well in college. He got two distinctions this week.


If he keeps on track, he will have one a. And two B’s.


Not bad considering he has a Tutor who speaks really poor English and when the students ask for help, she tells them to look it up in Google!!!


I hope to walk the dogs later. But where? Not sure. Well, if we get lost, that will be exciting right?


Just wish we had someone who could take us to the beach or forests and free run them with us. 


Hub worked from home yesterday and was in his office all day. I think he is having an interesting time there. He doesn’t’ talk about it as everything, he is professional about it.


My poor little girl has sore ears. They are really thick at the ends. Do you Bloggets know what it could mean? We have asked the vet, but they are useless.


Oh guess what my weekend treat is? We are having a take away tonight. Yummy blooming yummy. I’m so lucky that my Hub isn’t a Meany who won’t pay for such luxuries. I mean, it is a luxury for us as its so deer now to have a take away. Over £30 for the three of us.


Oh my friend has just had to have the camera down her throat to see what her problems are. She is a real lady. So dignified. Well, there she was on a ward waiting for the dreaded picture to be taken and she was told that whatever they had givenit would make her full of wind and she would have to get rid of it. Hahaha. Well, that’s all and well, but our NHS hospitals don’t allow you to have a room of your own for such small tests, so she was with another five windy ladies.


I asked her if she did what the Doctor told her to do. She surprised me by saying she did. I can’t imagine her doing this?  I mean, one lady plays the trumpet, and what does she say? Then another? Then the silence and another then my friend. Hehehe. Gosh, it would be like a blooming brass band in there.


So the big news in the UK today is our Prince William is a Daddy to baby number two.


His wife the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate gave birth to an 8lbs 3oz baby girl.


The little girl will be forth in line to the throne and will be known as Her Roil highness Princess??? Of Cambridge.  

No name so far.


As good old English tradition, dictates, an easel was placed in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace to announce the news.


A town crier made the announcement this morning on the steps of the private wing of the hospital where baby was born.


Our PM, this morning, was one of the first to write on Twitter, congratulations. I’m sure William and Kate were just waiting with their IWatch to pick that one up? What do you think?


I like Kate, as she is as lovely as she wears a lot of high street clothes. Apparently dots are in...


I love our Royall family. Well, when they are not hunting and bumping off beautiful ladies. Or, was that another organisation like my Husband thinks, let’s just say terrorists?


Anyway, a lovely day for our young Royals.

Laters gators

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