
Tuesday 5 May 2015


Good morning Bloggets. Wow, what a reflective evening I had last night, well, very late it was, when I went to bed. I was happy, I really enjoyed yesterday. I was so pleased we managed to do some gardening. Though I’m sure you wouldn’t notice much if at all anything after we had spent hours out there, but in our mind, it must be better and looking at Hubs hands today, bless him, they are all sore.


I think the fresh air made me feel really good. So good I slept like a log, funny expression that isn’t it? I mean, have you ever seen a sleeping log? If so, did it snore?


Sorry, I’m barking mad. Haha haha. OK, let’s branch out a little and talk about how I feel about my evening?


I can’t ever remember the last time I slept the way I did last night.  I think when I was in the US in the Smokey Mountains possibly? But last night? Oh my goodness. And the dream I had? It was absolutely the most bizarre dream I have ever encountered. And believe me; I never have had anything other than weird dreams.


And before you ask? No, I didn’t go picking mushrooms from my garden! If I were to tell you about my dream in full, it would take forever. Also I am sure the men in white coats would be back out for a visit. Really, they should be out to me so many times, it would pay them to buy a house here, either that or just get on with it and lock me up? Haha.


Let’s just say it involved me stealing, yes, stealing, and I never have done such a thing, and never will, but I stole from a designer shop a frying pan. Hahahehhehehehahhahahahh.


OK, Bloggets bear with, not just any frying pan, but this one was made from wood. Yep. Put that on the stove at your peril. Also this pan came flat packed. And without lid. It was the demonstration one from the shop and I was cross that I didn’t pinch the lid. Hahheheheh. What good it would have been? Or should that be wood, have been?


Anyway, I was in hiding and next thing I went for a job interview, with me pan. And it wasn’t for a restaurant, but in a grotty flat apartment block. With a killer dog in the room whilst getting interviewed. The job? Answering telephones. The ending of the dream? I had to choose what tunnel to go down. I went down one and half way, realised it was the wrong one and climbed my way back out and went down another, but when I got to the end of it, there were people there from my past I didn’t like, so climbed back up the tunnel, but that wasn’t easy, as people were passing me going down and I was telling them not to go there, it was awful? The tunnel had vacuums pulling you down. I got out though and then went down the third. Third time lucky? Who knows? I woke up.


Really, that was just half of the dream. I did tell you it was bizarre. And that is all I dare tell? Haha haha.


Just before I went to sleep. I felt very close to spirit. No, not the whisky bottle, but kind of angelic. I have been very spiritual since a little girl and I believe in angels. This is why I’m finding it difficult to understand why my prayers are not being answered right now. But something touched my hand a kind of tiny circular thing. OK I now know most of you will be thinking it’s confirmed. I’m mad. But I always tell you how I feel and this is what happened. You can believe or not if you do, then you also have had experiences like this. If you don’t? You don’t know what you are missing out on. You feel so relaxed. You feel at peace. You almost stop breathing. The world becomes silent. You hear a part of your mind that you don’t hear every day. My brain see’s people. Whoever is trying to get a message to me? Last night, it was my Mum. I have almost forgotten her face. When you can’t see photographs, your memory sadly forgets, but she’s just there. Just on the edge of my mind. When I try through the day to think of her. There is nothing there. I sometimes get very upset as I can’t bring my Mums face to my mind. Last night, she was there, very thinly. That is the only way I can describe her.  It’s kind of like looking through a dirty window. It is I guess kind of ghostly. She was so serious. I couldn’t see her eyes other than her eyelids. I kind of half wish I knew what she was trying to tell me? I’m afraid though at that point to ask. I should, but I’m afraid of the answer. I just know she looked really unhappy. This disturbed me.


I then fell into a gentle trance and slept for over five hours. You all know who know me, that I never sleep more than two hours and two hours is extremely rare.


I woke up feeling so happy. SO pleased and almost tearful. Now what was that all about? Was my Mum fixing me? My stress levels? Was she trying to prepare me for something not too happy? I really hope not. I’m done with not happy.


I just want Hub and I to have a peaceful life without any intervening from the past. Our kids are taking their exams now and I think that is all going well. Hubs work? We shall see. I know he has huge respect for his girls and boys in the office, who have been there since day one of his arrival, which is a year tomorrow. Wow, a year ago? Gosh, a year ago, we didn’t know of our future as far as employment went. Hub just knew he couldn’t continue the life travelling all over the world like he did. So a year tomorrow, he walked into an office with high expectations, and his staff have not let him down and I hope they will become a super team as Hub doesn’t give anything half. He gives all and he has only gold in his head. He can only do this with his teams help and so far, they are totally committed. So now what will happen over the next few weeks there? We shall see.


I’m trying to get him to do a charity fund razing who’s got talent. I think it would be great fun for the staff something to look forward to and something to show off their talents or perhaps not? but they would give people a laugh, right?


Anyway, back to my vision last night. What did it mean? Hmm. Don’t know but may in some days. I always learn after the event.


All I know is I had the most beautiful sleep.  A dose of that each night please Mum? As for the circular thing going on? What was that? It was like a tube with tiny teeth. Gently, then bang. Sleep. Weird. That’s me!!!


Now it’s raining heavy. As though buckets are falling from the sky. Whilst I sit hear listening to the rain, I am thinking about friends from Russia. Well, ex friends. Sadly. I never ever thought they would become my ex friends. I was thinking about them a lot yesterday. It was the first year I haven’t contacted them after the anniversary of the death of their Mum and Grandmother. But the dear Grandmother was on my mind all day. I hope wherever she is now, she is sitting on a log in the forest of heaven next to her clock flowers. You know the ones you blow to see the time? I loved those as a child, well, our dear old Babushka used to like them too.  If only time could stand still for some things? Not all though, I’m glad times have moved on and we can open a new chapter in the book of life.


OK. This is a much to do nothing blog other than try to see into your mind. A part you don’t normally see into. I can visit different parts of my mind, have you ever tried? It’s wonderful. I mean, you can physically touch your hands. Your elbows. So why not your mind? Transport your brain to discover inside your head. Find boxes open them and place in them things you really want to keep for good or bad. Throw out things you don’t want and if that isn’t possible?  Then tick those feelings so that when you start to feel a certain way, you can use a blocking device. Know where to get the blocking devices from. I believe you can switch on and off parts of your brain. OK. Cheeky Bloggets, no comments please? Haha.



Even that word gives me calm. Relating to supernatural beings. First known use of the word, was in the 14th century. Having a profound level of mental and emotional deep feeling!


One of the great gifts of spiritual knowledge, is that it realigns your sense yourself of something that you may not have. Well, not have felt before or even tried to feel. When you allow this, you will feel some kind of bliss.


You’re greater than you have ever even imagined yourself to be. A superior divine light exists deep within you. Shine that light, as that same light is in everyone you know now and in the future. Have you ever met someone for the first time that you are sure you have met before?


Notice that spirit sounds similar like inspire and expire? This is as especially appropriate because when you are filled with spiritual energy, you feel great inspiration. When the spiritual life force leaves your body,         your time on this earth expires and these are two of the main themes of this journey.


To allow spiritual feelings enter your busy life, you will feel a sense of love, pride, trust, excitement, wisdom and pure joy.


I don’t get this every day sadly, I would say about twice or thrice per year.  I guess if I tried harder, I may be able to get these feelings more oftern? Though somehow I doubt it. My mind rarely stops still long enough to have such deep feelings.


Spirituality connects you with the profoundly and powerful divine     force that’s present in this universe.


Your spiritual home? A place you feel a belonging. Have you ever been anywhere where you have a sense of Déjà vu? Whether it is looking around a new house to buy, or just simply browsing the shops in a new town or a holiday? But shortly within a second, you dismiss this feeling. Why? Because we don’t understand this new feeling and we perhaps are afraid of the feeling which is new to us. Why not explore that emotion?


Spirituality goes far beyond the physical aspect of your everyday feelings. Look deeply within yourself.    


The external world, is ephemeral ever changing, in fact, your body will die one day, sweeping all those accoutrements  away like a pile of dust but your inner realm, in my opinion, is timeless, eternal and deeply profound.


I love the feeling I have when I feel a kind of angelic intervention. It’s warm. Safe, loving and full of protection. Just stop what you are doing, if it’s safe to do that of course, and listen to the sound of your mind. Go inside your head. Relax. Take time out each day and eventually, you will visit a place in your head where you feel absolute calmness.


And then we face reality. A teen is up and about now, so I shall go and be far from spirituality, smile. Later gators. X

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