
Thursday 14 May 2015


Good morning Bloggets. Well yesterday started off lovely peaceful sunny and all, today? Wow, what a difference.


Some good news for Waggatail, she did good yesterday at University. I think a grade a student. She was very popular. Got loads of selfies? Don’t even know how to spell that never mind what it is? Also featured on “Snap chat? OK, whatever floats your boat? Haha.


Anyway, she was a good girl and the young people loved her. I must say, I received a message today from a lady in America, asking was it OK for couples to share dogs? Let me make this clear. She went with Hub as a dog on leash. No harness. My Husband went to the venue by taxi and came home with a colleague who kindly dropped him off. So he wasn’t guided or used Waggatail in any other way apart from letting the students play with her and ask questions about guide dogs. If he took his guide dog, she wouldn’t really have had much work to do and she doesn’t make much of a fuss with people, other than say hello, whereas little one is cute and she knows it also has more energy to play last time we both went and took both dogs, LC started to show her bottom and have the face on saying “I’m aloof. Don’t mess with me. Haha


LC though went to a home for the elderly, some time ago and was fabulous with the lovely people there and went to a school too not long ago and again was fine, but this was an all-day event.


I think this is going to be one of those days. A long day. Not looking forward to tonight.  Shame, I had my two hours of peace yesterday afternoon, but then the thunder came down and all over in a flash, like lightning.


I feel sick right now, waiting for a parcel to take with me when I go to my friends on Saturday. I so hope it turns up, or I’m in deep trouble. You know what it’s like when you are waiting for the doorbell to ring? Well, our delivery people don’t always bother to ring, so need to listen out for a van. Not easy when Rob the builders from across the road are here and there, yes they are here today and yesterday. Thankfully for my neighbour. Now let’s get this show on the road without any more stress for her and her lovely neighbours next to her?


Oh get this. Teen received an urgent message to attend college some weeks ago. Now than when he eventually tracked down the person in charge of the college, as she was not being very easy to talk with, though she wrote to him saying she needed to meet with him urgently. She told him he would have to face a reprimand. Why? Because he hadn’t been turning up for his maths classes. He told her that he didn’t need to as in January; he received his exam results and passed. You know the exam we had to pay a lot of money for? Not only for a tutor to get him through it, but for the exam to be early as if he took the Government free one, he would have to attend classes  for another seven months. We knew he wouldn’t turn up so we hoped that by getting him extra intuition that he would pull an early exam off. But to do this exam, money was required. Who told us this? No one, so we missed the deadline, so we had to pay more. Anyway, I digress. Short and long of it is, he took it and passed. So told tutor and she made a face as realised she was in the wrong and walked away. Well, part two, this week he received another letter, telling him to turn up for exams for maths? Oh my word. You know that college is so lovely, almost like a hotel. But how it’s ran? A nightmare. One of his tutors speaks so poor English, no one can understand her. She’s not even a qualified teacher. She is a student at such an important stage of the kid’s studies. The last year on this course.  When they ask for help, she tells them in really broken English to look it up on Google. Now another teacher brings to college toys. I’m not kidding. Two others are OK but the head, a lady, is simply awful.  Personally, I will be glad when he is out of there. Glad when I have not got the stress of getting him up in the mornings and out. He is so lazy he won’t make his lunch. Most times I do it or Hub, so if we don’t, one in five times he makes it, the other times he buys it. He can afford it for now, but for how long? His car is costing a fortune and now he has more money to fork out as once again, his IPhone is bust. Yet another phone. Forth one in less than three years.  


All I know and in fairness so does he, is come July when college is over, he needs to find more to do in his life.  He has to be kept active or he is like a caged lion. I just wish he was as proactive at home.  I washed his bathroom the other day and said to him, OK just the floor to do; you can at least do that? I took the bathmat from his room lay it in front of his bedroom door just a reminder that it needs doing, and guess what is still there?  Three days on. Last night I came out of my bedroom and on the top of the stairs, I kicked something. Three cups from his room and of course one smashed. Why? Because he is too lazy to bend to pick up I mean, he must have been to the kitchen a dozen times but walked past his cups.


I had my couple of hours with a lovely young lad yesterday afternoon, but sadly it didn’t last before last night tensions grew and tempers spoiled. I swear I will meet an early grave.


I’m so ready to get away to a paradise island. Where the lad is at peace and my Husband can forget life for a while and enjoy escapism.  Where the palms play near a pool, and the sun scorches the sands where the ocean kisses the sky and the flowers are fragrant. Feathers from Doves float as they take flight. And the silver stars welcome in the night.


Where a chef prepares our meals and a sightless world is the norm.

I know of such a place. I went there once and would love to go again, but sadly not possible.


So in the meanwhile, I have my blogs. Thankfully this week I was asked to write a story. I loved it as for some time I was allowed to be someone else. Someone free from forever worries.  The person I wrote this for thanked me and said I helped them to get away from life; this is the beauty of writing.  The person I wrote for is a high school teacher. She is going through hell with her sixteen year olds. Gosh, you would say at least she can go home and forget the kids? No, as she has to return the next day but not only that, one of them has found out where she lives. It’s not good.


Before writing this above paragraph, I asked her if I could write about this. Obviously not going to say any more details, but this highly regarded teacher of twelve years, I think is about ready to hang up her school cap. Though I’m trying to convince her otherwise. As I know she is a brilliant teacher. Has had so much success in the past. At least the long six weeks holiday is not far. God help us parents though? Haha.


I was talking to my sweet neighbour yesterday. Her daughter is at University. Gosh she studies computer science. A very clever girl.


Teen was telling me a funny story yesterday about a friend of his who had too much to drink so teen phoned his Dad to come and pick him up as it was still early in their evening so they were not ready to come home. This was months ago. Anyway, this lad was totally out of it. Well, teen said Mum, you wouldn’t believe it, as the Dad turned up in the middle of the town in the middle of the night, to pick up his son, on a push bike. I asked how on earth he managed to get him home.  Answer, he put his Son on the bike and pushed it all the way. Bless him.  He would have been shattered by the time they got back. I mean, lads these days are not exactly small?


Chicken stuffed peppers and homemade potato salad for dinner tonight. Hub said he didn’t want the potato salad. Why? He said he has never had such potato salad. Because it’s a north East thing. I am sure. It’s not the normal potato salad, it’s the way my Mum did it and my ex Husbands Mum and their mums before them. I can tell you the same as I told Hub; don’t knock it until you try it. It’s delicious.


Boil potatoes to mash. Just before they are ready, put in a chopped onion. Add salt. Drain. Mash with butter. Add some grated cheese and loads of salad cream. Black pepper too and serve either hot or cold.


I promise you it’s delicious. It reminds me of home with my Mum and Dad on a Sunday. She made the best salads in the world. Everyone said so. We can do the same salad, but it never tastes the same as my Mums.


Wrote this earlier. Now feeling sick and guilty. Just had to eat a very late breakfast. I felt as though I was going to pass out as I have worked this morning and eaten, or drank nothing. I don’t know how my Husband does what he does? He easts so little. An yet he is capable of eating so much. When we went on our cruise, he ate both teen and I under the table. When we go to restaurants, he eats so much. He says it is boarding school. You get scraps and you get it when you can and you don’t know when you will be fed something that is recognisable next.


Haha. Oh gosh, I wouldn’t wish those days on anyone. Our punishment for sure. But for doing what? Being with poor or no sight? Such a crime….


Today is really cold. 13Dg. What is going on with this weather?


OK off now to deal with life. Wish me luck? X

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