
Monday 18 May 2015


Today it is cold and raining. My heating is on. Really, this is May? Can someone please tell the sun to put his hat on,

 and not his rain hat?


I’m out soon to go and buy some drawers. Just local and I hope to get a bargain


I received an online shop today for clothes I ordered. I had the voucher since my birthday in February but took till now to get sorted for that shop isn’t a nice one.


I can view for want of a better word and put in basket but when it comes to paying for them, the software doesn’t work.


So I put in the basket then phone the shop up. Shocking rates too for that number. Free on line if you can see. Anyway, one pair of jeans gives me nice skinny legs, but the fat has to go somewhere, right? And boy, did it go…. I was blue after five minutes. I had to peel them off. The second pair of trousers, I looked like MC Hammer in them. I swear they were enormous. Not becoming at all. So they too have to go back now, how? This will be a right pain. Normally when I buy clothes, if I don’t like them and they fit, I keep them, but this would be such a waist as would never wear them.


Yves Saint Laurent once said that she wishes she had invented jeans. Well, if she had, I bet they would have been for stick insects?


I can’t get over how much weight my Husband has lost. He looks really really great for it. He needs to slow down now though. The best bit, apart from him looking younger, and his health will improve, is I have more room in our bed. Hahahahahaha.


Seriously? That man was getting too big.


Nothing to do with my size.


I have loads of housework to do today. Where to start? Still have not had our window cleaner. Now it’s been five months. He must be in jail? Or another job. Hopefully the latter. I must remember to ask our neighbours if they know. Would be a good job for my Son to do, right? I know whose buckets cloths and cleaning products would go missing though. Hehehe. If his car has anything to do with it?


Some thoughts for today.

Every time a woman leaves off something she looks better, but every time a man leaves off something he looks worse.  ~Will Rogers

“Em, not in our house!”


I simply can't understand why swimsuits are in such demand they’re soggy and damp, Bind like a clamp, and hold about three pounds of sand! ~D.R. Benson


I talk to him when I'm lonesome like; and I'm sure he understands.  When he looks at me so attentively, and gently licks my hands; then he rubs his nose on my tailored clothes, but I never say naught thereat.  For the good Lord knows I can buy more clothes, but never a friend like that.  ~W. Dayton Wedgefarth


Ok, be good and if you can’t be good, be careful. Some heavy blogs coming at ya soon. Just a couple. But followed by fun. X

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