
Tuesday 12 May 2015


Good afternoon, not long before it would become official to say good evening in the UK. Gosh, what a busy day. I have decided to move the furniture in our conservatory. Am I ready for my Darling Husbands criticism? Yep, ready with my telling off and ready with my I don’t care attitude. He hates me changing furniture. I know why too, as a blind person it’s rather disorienting to come home and find everything moved, but I wouldn’t be so cruel. I have just moved the dining table and the massage chair. And turned the heated trolley around. Well, means everything gets cleaned properly, right?  It’s took me all afternoon. Dusting and so on. I’m exhausted, but I have a lovely teatime to look forward to, as the boys are not in until eight, so Fifi time.


My Wagga has had all of her toys out this morning and early afternoon, we went to the post box and chemist. It was awful, blind person’s fog. The wind was dreadful. But Wagga did well. I must say, when I went out, half way along our avenue of all sorts, I did want to turn back. My hair was a foot in front of me and pulled me along, haha haha. It’s wild. Rained all morning and you should hear my wind chimes? Hub hates them, but I bought them when we first moved here so that we knew where our house was. Our dogs are great but whilst they are learning a new area, like getting home, I would rather know it myself. And at that time I had my little old Black beauty. Bless her. She wasn’t quite connected when it came to coming home even our old house that she lived in for some years, coming home for BB wasn’t always an option, she would rather go on a long goose chase. Mind you, we never found any geese.

Just long country lanes, avenues of sensory sensations and the odd river to tempt her luck. Whatever she felt like, yep, a free spirit was my BB. As for me? I wasn’t really a good driver back then.


I’m still not wonderful, a bit of a learner.


Hub is away today working, so a very late return again. I think it’s a three hour journey and two trains. That’s each way. Most of his colleagues drive there, but he has a slight disadvantage…. Let’s just say, I wouldn’t want to be on the roads if my Hub is behind a wheel. It benefits his organisation him travelling by track as he works there and back. So a long day in the office.


He made me laugh yesterday when he was saying he was trying to get his colleague to eat his healthy berries. It’s lovely to see how much he gets on with them all. It’s not oftern that a team comes together in the way they do. I believe that they will be a super team and one to look out for. With their dedication and Hubs Loyalty and trust, let’s hope so anyway.


Teen? Got up from his pit at one. Ate brunch, showered and went to work.  He has had a busy day yesterday. Went out with friends to the beach, came home, played football with them then went to the gym and then tennis with friends.


I still have a really sore leg. Bumped it the other day. It’s truly uncomfortable. Burning like mad. Just one of the daily experiences we have to encounter.


Right, now then, yesterday, guess who came? Our gardener. At last as the day went on it was getting darker by the minute. How do I know? I can feel it.  I thought, if they wait much longer they won’t come again as it will rain. But thankfully, they came and went. One and a half hours they were here. So £65. There were two of them.


Well, Hub opened the back patio door to go into the garden with LC when he came from work. He almost went flying; the gardener left the hose real, on the step just outside the door.  So thankfully he was OK, today? I almost went flying. Yep, a couple of birds we are. Why did I go flying? Well, as I went to our bin, that had been moved and not put back, so I had to leave the bag of rubbish outside, not in the bin. On my way back from the other side of the house, I crashed into a garden chair. Then, as I stood that up, I found our glass table. Right at the other side of the garden. As I went to the run with the beautiful Waggatail, again, slam. Into the lounger this time. It had blown over and again it was right near the run, and pre gardeners? About eight foot away from there, so now I’m in the house and rather reluctant to go out until I know all is safe. I will have to go out later when I am feeling more adventures.  Now the worst thing is my glorious elephant has been moved. About two foot from the conservatory. Thank God, I found that and was able to put it back. I would have been very upset if that had broken. They were nice though, it’s not their fault I can’t see. 


They are coming back in two weeks to get rid of the weeds. So what did they do yesterday? I’m not really sure. They said they sprayed the weeds, but will take two weeks to let them die off and they said they cut a couple of conifers out for me, but left the roots in the soil. Oh and they trimmed a shrub. I know they will be fine, and I joked with them as they learned I wanted an apple tree, he asked if I wanted him to get it? I told him no, as I wouldn’t get it until Christmas. Hah. He didn’t’ laugh. Well, I have been waiting six weeks for my garden to be done. They are a proper company so I guess have a good reputation, so I’m sure I’m not being done this time.  Also my friend recommended them to me.


My poor neighbour is still having a nightmare with her builders. Well, they just haven’t turned up for over ten days. Now saying they can’t do what she wants what she wanted from the start. They are proper cowboys. And it’s not like she hasn’t paid much, I think for what they are doing, they are expensive. It’s such a shame when this happens to people.


OK, must dash now, but stay safe wherever you are. Xx

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